Hi guys, I just want to say it was a blast reading through this huge AR and I'm sorry for it taking so long to handle.
So I'm gonna kinda try and break down my thought process, this conclusion has taken me over an hour to write and sort out and I'm still not 100% sure so don't hold it against me.
Situation 1: (The random AFK Punching)
From what it looks like the AFK punching was definitely indirect RDM. You claim it was dealt in-character by an admin but I have no way of confirming this as it was quite a while ago (that's on me) therefore
@Slick Willy and
@Trey Limes will be punished for 2.5. I believe it was un-necessary for you to kill him in this situation, he is clearly AFK after spawning in and dying. In future please don't run up to people and RDM them at spawn, not creative and not very good roleplay either.
Situation 2: (The car thing on the highway)
Ok, so this one is a bit more straightforward. I can see the point made by Blicky in this situation, if I've asked someone to take me somewhere and they are driving me towards subs I would think I'm going to the forest to be mugged or shot. I do not blame him for thinking this. I can see your point
@213 about him jumping out the car being 3.4 however I believe Blicky when he thought it wasn't going to just be a 'chat' to sort things out and therefore under 3.6 made the most sense for him to hop out the car wherever possible. If I was being driven towards forest/subs when I wasn't asked I would have done the same thing.
Therefore the shooting in this incident seems like RDM to me as if it was going to be a 'chat' like you said then why would you shoot when he got out of the car? Therefore a punishment will be issued to
@Slick Willy again for 2.5. I appreciate the in-depth responses for this situation so thank you to those who contributed (
@213) helped give the situation some needed context.
Situation 3: (The mugging at hicktown)
So this situation is a bit more plain simple. In my opinion
@Slick Willy you were wrong to ignore the zip tie orders. I understand it is frustrating to be mugged by an ally but unfortunately, unlike you claimed in the situation there is no rule about mugging or stealing from allies, in fact, if you do it should be settled in character however due to
@CapalotBlickyy and
@213 dying. Therefore
@Slick Willy you will, unfortunately, be punished again for 3.4 and 2.6 as you ignored a roleplay situation as you believed a rule break had occurred when it hadn't.
@Slick Willy you will be banned for 5 days for 2.5 x2 - 3.4 and 2.6
@Trey Limes you will be warned for 2.5.
Some comments from me:
It seems you guys as a group have some inner group issues to sort out between yourself. As much as I enjoyed working through this AR I would appreciate that if an incident happened that a rule break occurred in you report it as close to the day as possible as these incidents happened days before you made this AR. Also if an admin did deal with an incident ingame its always best to say which one that way I am actually able to check to save people being punished twice or punished when they were cleared for their actions.
I hope you can understand I have dealt with this from the information you have all gratefully provided me and if there is stuff I have missed which I probably have to provide your own VIDEO counter-evidence in a dispute.
I wish you all the best in the future and I hope you all settle this and enjoy playing on perp. I am sincerely sorry this AR took so long to handle and I hope you are glad it has been finally dealt with.
Stay Safe all!
Kinda reviewed with:
@blackdown - He started it for me so massive thank you