AR on Connor Blount and Kevina Bryson

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Wizerd Wrench / Nicky O-Neill

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: MrVenomX1 / Connor Blount, Squeeker Melon / Kevina Bryson

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:167197351, STEAM_0:1:79661965

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Connor Blount shot me under the influence of Kevina Bryson. She told him that we killed the person present in my other AR on Dimitry.
Connor sent me a steam message of an LOOC message Kevina sent. It says she heard gunshots and saw us drag Dimitry into our shop. But I don't believe this because we killed Dimitry and left Bazaar, when we came back Bazaar was empty so we told one of our guys to hide the body if no one was around in which he did.
So I would like Kevina to provide a demo to prove he saw us kill and hide the body.


I never saw you drag the body into the shop, but the body was 99% positive to have dragged into the shop. I also said multiple times in org chat that I didn't directly see you kill Kaleem (even though you did) but it was pretty obvious since I was at the parking lot when it happened and ran straight over when I heard the shots. Bigger reply in a minute.
Posting on behalf of Tony O-Neill

Because you dont know for certain or had any proof who killed your friend you ended up killing me. I took no part in the killing of your friend but i was also gunned down at bazaar along with nicky. I think that is 2.5 for killing me for reason. Both Kevina and Connor are to blame for this. Connor should have asked for some sort of proof before the killing and Kevina shouldn't have ordered a hit based on suspicion alone because it leads to innocents getting killed like in this case. I would like to see what evidence you have of your friends death and the reason you thought we did it. As far i could see no DNA was taken from the body and you never seen anyone leaving the crime scene. Thanks
Posting on behalf of Tony O-Neill

Because you dont know for certain or had any proof who killed your friend you ended up killing me. I took no part in the killing of your friend but i was also gunned down at bazaar along with nicky. I think that is 2.5 for killing me for reason. Both Kevina and Connor are to blame for this. Connor should have asked for some sort of proof before the killing and Kevina shouldn't have ordered a hit based on suspicion alone because it leads to innocents getting killed like in this case. I would like to see what evidence you have of your friends death and the reason you thought we did it. As far i could see no DNA was taken from the body and you never seen anyone leaving the crime scene. Thanks

I'll say it now again, I didn't order the hit. I said multiple times in org chat that I never seen the O'Neills directly kill her. I never said in org chat "Kill O'Neills" (Atleast I don't remember saying that.) When Kaleem was killed I said in org chat that it was the O'Neills, I then retracted this statement saying that I didn't see you do it, but I'm pretty positive that it was you, considering you have the ability to start fights for no reason. Even though I said multiple times in org chat that I never directly seen the person or persons that killed Kaleem, I was pretty sure it was the O'Neills. It was obvious, in my eyes anyway. Revolver is the same revolver (I think) and the O'Neills were no longer there. I went somewhere after that and came back to find the body gone, leading to my suspicion that the body was dragged into your shop. Connor didn't know what I was saying since he wasn't in our org, though I said once, as Chopper said, that I never seen it happen for my own eyes that was in local in the car.

Squeaker will receive a warning for providing false information leading to the hit.

@MrVenomX1 : Will have his current ban extended by one week for having the shooting take place in a public setting & for shooting people that were not involved in the situation.

Feel free to make a refund request in case you lost anything.​
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