AR on Cory Fandango + 1 other

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Daragh / Jonathan Good

His/Her Steam/In-game
(No OOC name for either of them) Cory Fandango and Tastethyrainbow Atisis-com

His/Her SteamID:
(Can't find due to no steam name)

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
These two players should be punished because of several reasons. First off let's start with Cory Fandango. He parked outside city hall and then evaded police over a ticket, in a mini cooper may I add. I chased them several times and that Tastethyrainbow guy when I battering rammed him out of the car and handcuffed him, he got in the car with his mate and they drove off. He got in the car with no /me commands as he was handcuffed, therefore impossible to get in and Cory didn't even open the door. So technically Cory didn't achknowledge that he got in without any /me commands either, if he did then he would of told him to get out and re-roleplay it possibly in LOOC or just say get out IC. Then when we got across from office, I battering rammed them out of the car again and Ben Walker ran one of them over by accident and then we got the other one handcuffed and about to arrest until both players disconnect at the same time. We know Cory disconnected as he suddenly stopped moaning and his car disappeared, Tastethyrainbow also left in person. Now there is also possible metagaming going on here as they both left at the same time, so all in all they have both violated multiple rules and I think they deserve a suitable punishment. Also, tastethyrainbow doesn't have a valid name therefore he should be forced to change his name if he doesn't get banned. @Walker

Evidence (Demo Required):

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Cory Fandago broke 3.4 for evading a ticket for no valid reason. The other user then disconnected in a RP situation. Btw., you shouldn't battering ram their car while they are driving. But overall a +support from me.

Clearly 3.4 has been broken as Cory tried to evade the police over a ticket in a Mini Cooper. His friend Tastethyrainbow then broke 3.26 as he was able to enter the car with Cory doing no /me commands. They both left at the same time, which probably could've been metagame as they wouldn't know that they were leaving at that very moment.
After watching the provided evidence this is what my opinion is.

Rule 3.4: Putting your life/freedom at risk:
The user had no valid reason to cause a pursuit over a simple traffic ticket which had then caused him to put his freedom at risk.

Rule 6.5:Disconnecting in a Rp situation:
The handcuffed user dissconnected while about to be arrested.

(Possibley)Rule 3.3: Realistic Actions:
The handcuffed user jumped in a slowly moving car without assestance which is a very unrealistic action.

Overall it's +Support it does clearly show the users breaking these rules and really was no need of it.

Regards Appricey
Obviously the user violated 3.4 and 2.1, he should not have jumped into the vehicle after you used your battering ram on the vehicle, however in my eyes you broke both 3.3 and 3.20, firstly you did use your battering ram on a moving vehicle which isn't really possible in real life as obviously you hit the engine, wouldn't really throw out the suspects out of the car. For the 3.20 part you obviously crashed at the Fredy's at beach where your vehicle stalled and in real life you would've been stuck.
This is interesting, new players who perhaps need guiding? However they do sound slightly troll-y with the way they're yelling and ect, though moving onto the actual rules broken shortly after this comment. You have yourself broken some rules so after I'm done telling you, I hope you take in consideration how you deal with these situations next time.

Rules they have broken:
- 1.4 - They caused problems by evading police continuously, causing you to have to stop from actually patrolling and dealing with more people. Causing another officer to stop their patrol and go into pursuit of their vehicle, there isn't much to really describe here so.

- 3.3 - They simply jumped into their car and drove off, this is not realistic and then going on further where they drove through the gap between the fences, ending up with them yelling "GET OFF MY PROPERTY" I don't imagine that they did a /me where they rolled down their windows so it is not realistic in that aspect. Then after being cuffed the guy had jumped into the car which his friend occupied, however I had once been told by a staff member or reading it somewhere that when you're police and you're getting someone in the car (A suspect) It is not necessary for you to make a /me opens door and ect. Taking this in consideration, it shouldn't necessarily be needed to make a /me opens door if you're trying to get someone into your car if they're cuffed but this can be left up for discussion.

- 3.4 - Their life had been placed under risk for their reckless behaviour of driving away and continuously trying to escape from the speed enforcer in a mini, obviously they wouldn't get away against a speed enforcer who goes above 100MPH. Then another officer joined in on the chase, minimising their chances of escaping by like 40%. They had no chances of escaping and especially since this was over a ticket, which is ridiculously stupid.

Now the rules you have broken Daragh are:

- 3.3 - The reason you broke this is because you batter rammed them out of the car in a position where realistical that wouldn't be possible also to add on the fact that their car was moving which meant that realistically you would've not been able to batter ram them out of the car in the first place.


This reply has been fairly short due to there not being much content to commentate on but as I said rule/s have been broken from two sides and Daragh I suggest being more careful next time. Also another point I would like to raise is that that are continuously seen communicating through game chat which i personally think means that they're not metagaming aka breaking 3.2 but disconnecting at the same time isn't considered metagaming either? Right? I dont know
I hate people like this.

Obvious +Support, since he was breaking

3.4 Putting their freedom at risk.

1.4 Causing problems
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