AR on John Clean

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United Kingdom, Hastings, East Sussex
Your Steam/In-game Name:Callum Byford/ The HitMan
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:John Clean/ John Doe
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20840312
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I saw John running through the Bazaar shouting "Get on the floor" I then follow him and tell him to stop, I place him in guy, but I let him off with a warning. About 30 seconds later he runs to his car with gun in hand saying "i'm transporting", I then tell him to stop before he enters his car. I saw he either gets out and gets a ticket and the weapon taken from voluntarily or I force him out, after a few mins I use my Battering Ram to get him out the car, he then jumps into Franklin Jones's Car and speeds away. At this is point he is now wanted for failure to stop. I then get a LT to warrant him. While at the Bazaar, I was making a report when I then get rammed by either John or Franklin as they tried to get my attention before fleeing again(I'm not sure whether this was one of them or not). I'm not a 100% sure this then led to a shootout at Regals with several different people. If this was due to his warrant he ruined the hour for me and many other people involved.
Evidence (Demo Required): I can't be certain this was Franklin or John.
@John Daymon as he responded to the Report and may need to add the Steam ID and Name.
Both involved as well.
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Firstly I didn't purposely ram into you so I don't know why you even mentioned that and secondly John would be charged with failure to comply,failure to legally transport a weapon, as well as possibly threatening people with physical harm which is definitely enough reason to help him get away. And about the shootout at the regals for some reason swat decided to respond to it themselves and therefore we had to retaliate as they were going to breach our apartment which had drugs and a warranted person inside.
He ran over a Ticket and me taking the weapon, that is really not a great reason to run, it's running from a Traffic Ticket because I don't want to pay it. Him running caused issues non-stop for 30 minutes.
I am allowed to transport my gun as i did.
A person does not act unlawfully under articles 7.3, 7.4 or 7.5 if they are transporting an offensive weapon in a way that is direct and immediate between places of secure storage. Offensive weapons must be stored in a sealed container during transport.
The law dosn't state that it need to be concealed or on my back.
You were about to confiscate my weapon for no reason.

I would like you to upload ur pov where you claims that i rammed ur car.
I actually i was being chased by the police already for some other offences.
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You were not transporting the weapon, you ran back and fourth to your shop with weapon in public view I already asked you to put it away. You yelled everyone on the ground the first time with your weapon out and then did it again on the way out. I asked you to give me the weapon, yet you refused to. When I got you out the car you jumped into your friends car and drove off.
How would you know if i was transporting or not which i actually was. And yea the first time i was screaming alot get on the ground as a joke since most of those guys that actually heard me was my friends. You can clearly see nobody even reacted to it. The second time when i ran from my store to my car is was singing i am transporting. lmao
So why did you run from me then? You had no reason to do so. Also why yell on the floor with a weapon in public? Your ruined the whole situation with you running and trying to get chased, you at one point changed cars and then got back in the original one and kept returning to the area of which it started.
Again i did not ruin anybodys roleplay besides yours appartently, nobody complained the rest of the guys in bazaar was my friends.
I never tried to get chased i was already being chased lmao..
Yes i kept returning to bazaar since i got a store here / storage chest here.
[DOUBLEPOST=1478215552,1478214213][/DOUBLEPOST]I would upload my pov later or tomorrow.
@The HitMan I was involved to in this aids fest. But just wanting to know to the lead up to the shootout in regals why you decided to go 80+mph into the back of john cleans car which i was driving. yes I was aiding and abetting a criminal but I don't think crashing into me on purpose to disable my car at such reckless speeds was the correct way to deal with the situation. When you decided to "ram" me you nearly killed me and yourself for that matter. It caused your car to go over the road parting and nearly caused another accident.
Okay Callum you claims that i was cop baiting since i returned to you and rammed your car.
I like to point out that we didn't you will be able to see this in my video.
Also i wasn't the one that started the raid at regals, i was afk at that time and my friends were out raiding.
The police saw them raiding and it ended up in a big car chase where in the end a officer died and swat decided to follow them into regals. - i was told this later

I am not going to upload the whole demo since you would have to look at a 80-90k tickrate long demo but if you want me to let me know.

This is the start of the whole situation
This is after the chase we return to bazaar and Callum claims that we ram him
This is the end of the situation right before the raid

Again i decided to Jump into Franklins car since you were going to arrest me for failure to comply, failure to legally transport a weapon, as well as possibly threatening people with physical harm.
But i like to add that i acted under law
2.2 Necessity If a person reasonably believes that acting in a way contrary to any law is necessary to prevent injury, death or the loss of property they do not act unlawfully given that their actions are justifiable and proportionate.
Since you were about to illegaly confiscate my weapon.
7.6 Transport of Offensive Weapons
A person does not act unlawfully under articles 7.3, 7.4 or 7.5 if they are transporting an offensive weapon in a way that is direct and immediate between places of secure storage. Offensive weapons must be stored in a sealed container during transport. You had it in your hands running through the Bazaar yelling on the floor and on the way out.

7.5 Displayal of Offensive Weapons
Any person who display an offensive weapon in a public setting commits an offence. Of which you also broke this law as well.
You could have put the weapon into your pocket, but instead ran through bazaar getting all the attention you could. I also stated I was not 100% sure you had rammed me. I really don't think you should have ran from me over what would have been a Ticket and the weapon being taken.
    1. "John Doe You are the only one being salty in this situation.."(Comment you made) You also say that i'm the one being salty due to running over a ticket and just being a pain after that situation getting aload of friends involved as well for no reason except to just keeping baiting me into chasing the wanted vehicles.
Hitman stop just stop.
The slander in this AR is crazy!

You claims that i wasn't transporting even tho in my demo you can clearly see me switch gun in my store.
You claims that either me or Franklin rammed your car but again in the my demo shows we didn't.
You claims i was cop baiting but my demos again shows that i wasn't.
You claims that i got my friends involved in this situation so you woudln't chase me, but i didn't
You claims that i ruined the hour for you and many other people involved, but i havn't seen heard anybody else but you complaning.
You claims that Walker and Arun is a part of this situtaion even tho they wasn't
You claims that i keep returning to bazaar just to annoy you and getting chased again even tho i didn't
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