AR on Dai-Gon Jin

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Sean #Reformed
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Firuz132/Dai-Gon Jin
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:151207084
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Dai took me hostage for no apparent reason, wasnt told once to leave or anything, then takes my phone, not once asking for the camera which has the photos on it, i made a dumb mistake and paniced under gunpoint, i aknowledge that and got a ban for it, but still do not understand why my camera wasnt taken and feel like i was possibly told a cover up in the admin sit "we were wanted suspects and you were taking photos" So if i was taking photos why not mug my camera not my phone which i was clearly on banking app with, the whole situation made me feel targeted as a person, they meta gamed and knew my name, i didnt have visible id to my knowledge, and hadnt had any interaction with this group beforehand.
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And telling me that under gunpoint is gonna work how? if i was to try get out as said at top of stairs i would be killed, and how does a medic know who wanted people are? Never once did anyone ask or interact with my camera, therefore, your reason to kidnap me is sorta made up isnt it? also ask your guys how they know my name as i only connected minutes before driving around and ending up at subs.

"but u chose to be ignorant and not listen to what had to say in the admin sit" How can i hear anything when i was getting slandered left, right and centre, the sit was poorly executed which is something im going to raise as its occured multiple times with that said staff member where we end up in the middle of people who target me and therefore not allowing me much if any chances to hear or read anything.
There can only be one person assigned to a name im sure they will find the right one.
Forgot to say, if you are that "wanted" why were you guys shooting alot of rounds for no apparent reason, that will attract cops.
Also you guys took pics of me rather than tell me to fuck off or owt so how would i have any idea you wanted me out the area
You where taking pictures so we gunpointed you inside, if we had let you go you would have alerted the police. You where told to drop your phone and then it was put down for you to grab when you left. The reason you didn’t get it back was because you decided to push your panic button right in front of me.
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Youve also said that either way i would of been killed so your statement on photos is yet again lies.
The purpose of this is for action to be taken, dont need your un needed comments when im fully aware.
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