Because you failed to realise I'll say it again. I didn't shoot you because I intended to raid Projex 4. You were investigating raiding Morons which I raided.
@Morteh pulls the gun from his back with a good enough reason to kill me as he mugged me and knows my intentions as I dont own a projex. You begin to question me about having a gun on my back giving you enough reason to cuff and search me. If you searched me I'd be liable to:
7.2 Possession of Explosives and Incendiaries
It is illegal for a person to manufacture, possess, sell, or transport an explosive or incendiary device.
Misdemeanor - liable to 3 years maximum imprisonment, $3,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.
7.3 Possession of Offensive Weapons
Any person who is in possession of any offensive weapon in a public area without a reasonable excuse commits an offence. Offensive weapons include, but are not necessarily limited to the following, firearms, baseball bats, knives, machetes, or improvised/adapted items with the intent to harm or cause damage.
Misdemeanor - liable to 2 years maximum imprisonment, $2,500 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.
As I did not own a property you had probable cause to believe that I'd also be liable to planning the following:
6.7 Attempting or Planning a Crime
No person shall attempt or plan to commit a crime. A person who does so shall be liable for punishment as if they had committed the offence.
Liable to half of what offence was if committed for the following crimes:
7.8 Detonation of Explosives and Incendiaries
It is illegal for a person to detonate an explosive or incendiary device.
Felony - liable to 6 years maximum imprisonment and $6,000 maximum fine. => 3 years 3k ticket
11.7 Arson
Any person who willfully and maliciously or recklessly sets fire to a property commits a criminal offence.
Felony - liable to 6 years maximum imprisonment and $5,000 maximum fine. => 3y 2.5k ticket
9.2 Physical Assault with an Offensive Weapon
Any person who applies or causes reckless injury to another person with any type of offensive weapon as defined in law 7.3, that is likely to cause great bodily injury commits an offence.
Felony - liable to 8 years maximum imprisonment and $7,000 maximum fine. => 4years 3.5k ticket
This could be deemed a
extreme circumstance where compounding punishments would be lawful. Therefore I would be liable to 15 years and a 14.5k ticket. Therefore when you walk close to me I cant risk getting cuffed and searched. Not to mention after I pulled the gun Dwarf Bitch decided to aid you which meant I couldn't just take you hostage nor did I have trunk access anywhere.
This does not mention if you or any of the other 3 people witnessed that I raided Morons.
What would my financial loss be?
From my inventory I would lose:
2x Molatovs
2x timed explosives
Fn Scar full comp and stock