AR On Daigestive

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Parts unknown with my brothers and sisters.
Your Steam/In-game Name: Beeza
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: (Don't knowIC name)
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:155798045
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 1.1
Evidence: Called me a "autist" "spastics" and told me to "fuck off" in OOC chat.

You posted this here in a previous AR where it was dealt with: @Madda

This was also addressed on TS with @GraveDinosaur where it was obvious I was upset.

Your actions meant I wasted 30 mins of planning the banl robbery and crafting the carbomb and missed out on an hour of the bank robbery and no warrant. Not to mention the time I spent recording a demo after you lied in OOC and to Grave on TS saying you weren't the one punching me and I had no confrontation with Dimzy. You're lucky I didnt get the gun I planned to use for the bank robbery and do the exact same back. Didn't think you would be petty enough to make a revenge AR... Especially considering I can't play with a broken PC and made a goodbye post lmao.

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You posted this here in a previous AR where it was dealt with: @Madda

This was also addressed on TS with @GraveDinosaur where it was obvious I was upset.

Your actions meant I wasted 30 mins of planning the banl robbery and crafting the carbomb and missed out on an hour of the bank robbery and no warrant. Not to mention the time I spent recording a demo after you lied in OOC and to Grave on TS saying you weren't the one punching me and I had no confrontation with Dimzy. You're lucky I didnt get the gun I planned to use for the bank robbery and do the exact same back. Didn't think you would be petty enough to make a revenge AR... Especially considering I can't play with a broken PC and made a goodbye post lmao.

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Still does not mean you can break rule 1.1 and yes it ws dealt with in TS but instead you went and reported me so... and i never knew you made a goodbye post untill now hah.
Np I'l let staff deal with it. I still said on ts I wasn't happy you lied thats why I made the AR. You already posted it o my AR what's the point making another? I do get all the revenge AR's though lol.
Wasnt happy you called me a "spastic" and a "autist"
I called you a spastic and your friends that you told to punch me autists after i was RDM'd mid bank robbery. You posted this in my AR which was dealt with. Don't bullshit more than yo all ready have. Obvious revenge AR, Sad.
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