AR on Daniel Brock

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: [DPA] Samsterminator / Sam Ireland
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: zXDroNEXz / Daniel Brock
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:88346660
Why Should This Player Be Punished: The player decided to pull out a gun whilst being held at direct gunpoint. (Sorry about my shitty commentary, was half asleep when I made this) Others involved. @Photon @Edisom
Evidence (Demo Required):
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I was outside guarding the apartment, Daniels excuse was that @MoronPipllyd did the same thing a few years ago in the restruant. I believe this player broke 3.4 as there were 3 armed individuals in the area, even if he took down Sam I would've rushed in and gunned him down with my AK as he's already majorly hurt. There's no way he could've survived the situation by himself.
It took your friend moments later to come in and realize what was going on, based on that, I would say I would have been able to kill you and get you unconscious a few seconds before your friend came in and I already take cover. At least that is what I anticipated. I was successful to kill one of your friends, I think that's reason enough to conclude that I would have been successful had I not been fully awake, but due to it being late at night, all of us being tired, and being generally fed up of you raiding/mugging two apartments twice back to back in minutes, I would say yeah, we were all at a little of a disadvantage.

Also, I was not under "Direct Gunpoint" at this time when you were mugging me. Your friend was not equipped with a gun at the time, and your were, with your gun, facing the floor. Therefore, I though I was not under gunpoint rules and not 3.4, I was not at gunpoint, and your intentions were not onto me, but on my items. Therefore, I did not feel as if you were a threat to my life but I knew you had to be killed ASAP. So I pulled my Berreta out to shoot you, but being with a crappy gun, and only Pistol Marksmanship level 9, you were able to get one step ahead. All though yes my intentions to kill your friend was in the plan, it happened by accident (I was trying to use your friend as cover not being armed at the time, also hoping you would value your friends life and not shoot, allowing me to quickly kill you and your friend at the same time. that half worked.)

(What was here was kinda rude and just wasn't in a good mood.)
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