Ar on Dason417

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Your Steam / Ingame name: [PH]ChrisTheNiceGuy. STEAM_0:0:88574393 . Chris Parker.
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: "dason417" / Dason Onelly,
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:63266033
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I Belive the guy broke 3.4
Evidence (Demo Required):!nM4X1JIZ (key:
!Og4G8W_JDPNlSQH8at4jkeDPeq8F57Eb5yDudz7u9b0 )

Tick: 61508
Pretty obvious there, guy broke 3.4. He had really no chance of killing 2 guys who were aiming at him with rifles while he had a pistol. And even if he had a bigger gun trying to pull it under gunpoint is pretty dumb.
Dason is pretty new to the server, that doesn't give him any right to break the rules but with him being here for less then a week I believe he should just receive a warning for this. Yes it's obvious he broke 3.4, but we should teach our new players instead of punishing them right away! Everyone deserves a chance to correct themselves.
I Tryed to talk whit him, after and also explain what he did wrong, and he told me he did know the ruel 3.4, and still didnt think he did anything wrong,
That's not true, considering I was there when the conversation was happening... He was confused and you were being very blunt with him threatening him with posting this AR. He said "I know what 3.4 is" but that was after I explained to him what the rule was.
No doubt, the person had no chance of surviving this by pulling a gun out, especially when being gun pointed by two men with some heavy guns. He broke 3.4 by doing so.
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