ar on db killer

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Your Steam/In-game Name: alejandro rojas
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: db killer , some chinese name
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51492557
Why Should This Player Be Punished: so i had planted some pumpkins and he is coming right in my face and steals them i confront him with gun and he is taking the situation in ooc u cant mug me here and stuff i know i cant mug him there i just wanted my property back my 2 pumpkin .Anyway he doesnt comply cops arrive he is running away evading them for some reason when he had no reason, stealing 2 pumpkins and evading is greater risk than surrendering (more jail time etc). Later on when he is almost caught he spawns em so he wont drop em to the officers even when told by them to pick em up and drop em so they can give them to the owner . They take him to jail and he dc leaving the server and me not being able to take my revenge since the roleplay was finished by his side . later on the server the cop that helped me gave me 2 pumpkins back. all in all i believe db killer broke many rules

Evidence (Demo Required):

sry for the backround military radio chatter during recording i was hearing and didnt know it would come to the video
Damn this was over 2 weeks ago so I can barely remember but heres what I do remember.

I robbed his pumpkins and then he took a while to give any command so I stood there and then cops came and drove near randomly so I put my hands up to try show that I was being robbed, Once I had seen the cop gun pointing Askatos I attempted to escape as I was warranted for a shootout the night before so I attempted to evade. While evading I dropped the pumpkins in the water to try save myself from that charge, In the end though I was caught by the cops and arrested and then they found the pumpkins so I picked em up and gave them to the cop so he could return them. I believe Askatos is quite an upset individual that's gets a bit upset when he gets raided while powergrowing so he goes 2-3 weeks back into Demos just to report me lol.

EDIT: In regards to me taking the first scene "OOC" I was just asking if he was trying to mug me in a public place, Just also want to confirm that I had picked up the pumpkins and gave them to the cop so he can return them, They were not the cops pumpkins.
I am completely against revenge AR's and one day you may hold this against me, naming the youtube video something else to make it look like it happened today won't work if you dont upload the 1.1 screenshots today aswell. this raised my suspision so I looked into logs and they confirm that this happened on the 28th of october.

@DB KILLER broke rule 2.6 by complaining about the situation in ooc and not reporting it (afaik), he broke 3.4 by not complying under direct gunpoint and he broke 1.1 by lashing out in ooc.

He will be spoken to about this but shall not receive a warning.

in the future don't make AR's for things that happened 2 weeks ago and got solved ingame, especially due to the fact you regularly making AR's showing this is quite clearly a revenge AR for something that might have happened ingame later

@blobvis 2.0
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