AR on Dimitris Kowalski

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Niko / Kallistrate Chrysos
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Dimitris Kowalski / Dimitris Kowalski | hellstorm.i / @Dimitris Kowalski
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:72613207
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5, 3.4 - User decided to kill me for supposedly snitching on him during a previous situation.
To give the full context, the player parked at the hospital, on the disabled parking spot. I, the medic at the time, told him to remove his vehicle, since he was obviously not disabled. The user ignored my demands, and as such, I went inside the hospital. In order to avoid him running away, I went and got the paramedic first responder vehicle, and blocked off his vehicle. I tried contacting police, to no avail. As I'm standing by the vehicle, the user threatens me with a gun, and orders me to move my vehicle. I do such, and when I am a suitable distance away, hit my panic button.
I give the officer a quick description of the man and that he's armed, as well as his vehicle. Officer arrives on foot and tries talking with the suspect. Suspect drives to the side of the road, then starts shooting at the officer, which resulted in his loss. I revived him, and he was arrested, taken to the PD, and given a 6 year jail sentence.
At this point, I proceed to stand by for calls at the hospital. Since nothing seems to be happening, I stand there for quite a while. The very moment I get a call to go to Projex Apartments, I am shot dead, and then finished off a few seconds later. I ask in OOC why I was killed, to determine whether I need to make an AR or not. The user, Dimitris Kowalski, starts hinting at it being him, before admitting that it was indeed him that shot me for "snitching".
The issue I have with this, however, is that the user should've had no reason to kill me. I didn't pose a direct threat to him, and there was no benefit to killing me, besides for revenge. Killing me would do no more than have him risk another jail sentence and a fine. User kept trying to justify killing me by saying I snitched, though it is clear that killing me now doesn't help his situation. He's already served his 6 year jail sentence, and killing me triggers my life alert, and police would (hopefully) respond.
There is no benefit to outweigh the risk of another jail sentence and a ticket.
Evidence (Demo Required):!1UZn2YxA!70GU0CvTpi6M8efwcwNsKwawzcD3OuzkWNDv18aVxMs
Tick: First situation with the user parking at hospital - 22000-32500
Me standing by the hospital then suddenly getting shot - 49000
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