AR on Edisom

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Mofidos / Avery King

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Edisom (Blue Gem For Trade) / Gino Lucchese

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47493002

Why Should This Player Be Punished: We kidnapp this dude we tied his hands and legs he keep moving then he started to slander telling us we got no reason of killing him... then i gagged him and he started using mic and talking ooc while gagged breaking 1.3 2.1 3.6 3.26 3.28 i also did /me takes the man items and money he didn't drop anything i gun point him he didn't drop anything and keep using looc and slandering

Evidence (Demo Required): http://images.akamai.steamuserconte...172/F0CB49E479A2BFDECC717EB74D45D1F7EDF4AC61/ / http://images.akamai.steamuserconte...582/46D3A81749C72E324E59C10A5999AC5C415700F1/ / http://images.akamai.steamuserconte...582/46D3A81749C72E324E59C10A5999AC5C415700F1/ / http://images.akamai.steamuserconte...460/E494A22CCB4C06FAA50DBAB4F7526A89B7BE7289/ / http://images.akamai.steamuserconte...546/CB42B383DCF5EE8CB32D0FB03FCAC8AE6DD5EFD4/ / http://images.akamai.steamuserconte...549/5684C5183C7CD51D2DEED09BF6F4C2A0AD03051E/ / http://images.akamai.steamuserconte...651/8E17CE9745997C4CDEACFF563BF9BB39CD2B518E/ / http://images.akamai.steamuserconte...596/6D092835193ED42E47FF8394868C93DA999421FC/ / http://images.akamai.steamuserconte...949/9B4CDC0E0AC2506A3ECBDC561586DB7E6C8FDF0C/ / http://images.akamai.steamuserconte...420/769AA2D5E2446A9776C033CDC3E6C5455F7E4711/ / http://images.akamai.steamuserconte...539/BAFEA5ECA7F459C565427D4F2EB62978D835FFB2/ / http://images.akamai.steamuserconte...241/D58CA2BA90CB0BF486E5477964FB7E975A26C330/

Tick: N/A
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For one, you guys, somehow all knew my name before I entered the apartment, for two I didn't drop anything cause I didn't have anything, for three, you guys had me at gun point and wanted me to give the name of my org but I didn't want to rat my boys out, in real life if a mafia member got kidnapped he wouldn't rat his boys out in gun point either. And my final thing is you guys kept breaking rp by using voice chat a good dozen times. I used looc to show you guys where you were wrong.
[DOUBLEPOST=1466996574,1466996506][/DOUBLEPOST]Also Avery King punch whored me cause I said I didn't have anything in looc
For one, you guys, somehow all knew my name before I entered the apartment, for two I didn't drop anything cause I didn't have anything, for three, you guys had me at gun point and wanted me to give the name of my org but I didn't want to rat my boys out, in real life if a mafia member got kidnapped he wouldn't rat his boys out in gun point either. And my final thing is you guys kept breaking rp by using voice chat a good dozen times. I used looc to show you guys where you were wrong.
[DOUBLEPOST=1466996574,1466996506][/DOUBLEPOST]Also Avery King punch whored me cause I said I didn't have anything in looc

For one nobody said your name expect one dude who explained you how he knew your name, for two you used OOC chat to say you don't have anything on you, and you kept slandering you didn't even use /desc to say you got nothing and i'm 100 percent sure you had something on ya and of course at least 1$, for three wtf are you talking about? LOL it's rp situation mate, wait i broke a rule? for asking you what's your org name while gun pointing you?, and final wot? mate so i'm not allowed to use voice chat? damn man you should become a co owner you got a good knowledge of the rules

And now you disrespecting me and breaking 1.1 saying i "punch whore" you, and still keep taking rp situations to OOC, i punch you to drop the items stop talking crap mate
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@Edisom - would you mind following this guide and provide the demo of the situation?

If you give me the exact date and time (I believe screenshots are timestamped) and your timezone I will be able to look into this better.

Inspection of the logs finds that the user was not carrying anything. You shouldn't delay in the LOOC, even as the mugger, if the other party claims to have no items. The evidence does not show microphone usage while gagged and therefore this allegation has been ignored.

Regrettably, guns are guns and carry a viable threat to life; by withholding organization details in this situation the user put a risk to his life which would almost certainly get him killed, the user will receive a warning.

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