AR on Ethan

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Ermak/Tore Olsson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ethan/whatever it was at the time
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55480733
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Strolled into a grenade situation completely ignoring all signs of danger, when the grenade was dropped he just stood still resulting in his death (3.4).
Evidence (Demo Required):

he didn't even know he was holding a nade, i spoke to him about this exact situation and he had no clue that guy was holding a nade because he was zoned out and there was no other indication (like gunshots) that would lead him to believe that the guy in question actually had a reason to be using the nade

there is absolutely nothing in the video to suggest this was intentional and there's even evidence to support that it wasn't intentional in his POV - the immediate shocked reaction shows how he has no clue whats going on

just seems like revenge for the IA tbh, make the AR on the guy with the nade if anything

Any, on the topic of the AR. This is clearly a revenge for my IA as you didn't seem to have an issue until I mentioned that I had placed an IA on you.

Sorle has pretty much summed up everything, I was just walking around and genuinely had no clue what was actually going on, you can clearly see this from the video. Infact I wouldn't have been in any danger till you shot the suspect right next to me and I didn't stand still, I turned around looked at the body as I was confused as to why he was shot and carried on walking.

I can see how you thought I broke 3.4 but I had no intention and was glazed over due the fact I am ill currently and was just mindlessly walking around whilst talking on TS with Collier.
I did have an issue with it from the start; I glossed over it because it was just a banter situation but since you took it seriously than so am I. You were in danger from the start, walking right past a person with a grenade is literally the most dangerous thing you could ever do. Honestly you need to pay more attention considering there were 2 cops in front of you pointing guns at someone and you didn't even bother to check what was going on.
That you don't start slandering people, talking about revenge moves in AR's like little kids. Explain your actions, don't start talking shit about ias n stuff.
@Marcus Hudson He is a little kid and if you can actually read then you would see I explained myself. Keep off the AR if you have nothing to contribute.
I did have an issue with it from the start; I glossed over it because it was just a banter situation but since you took it seriously than so am I. You were in danger from the start, walking right past a person with a grenade is literally the most dangerous thing you could ever do. Honestly you need to pay more attention considering there were 2 cops in front of you pointing guns at someone and you didn't even bother to check what was going on.

- You never made a F6 over this so you clearly didn't have an issue from the start and if it was a banter situation how are you going to tell me it's my fault for your minging around causing me to die?????????????????

- You seem to be missing my point, I am not denying I broke the rule but it's petty to make an AR when I clearly had no clue what was going on, you had been screaming and pointing guns for ages and shouting about holiday dolls? So I wasn't really paying any serious attention as I assumed it was you minging around again.
I wasn't minging around. I didn't make an F6 at first because (as stated in the ooc message you included as "irony") I don't make ARs or F6s in banter situations, and the guy randomly pulling a grenade is what I would call banter.

I generally don't minge around, it's that you don't want to take me seriously and thus assume everything I do is minging.

Its also petty on your side to make an ia considering you only died because of your own negligence.
If it wasn't 1.1 I'd call you a fucking idiot for saying it's my own negligence when you shot the suspect when I was stood next to him however I don't want a forum warning so I won't.
@Ethan You literally tried to walk past a person with a grenade. How's it not negligence? what did you expect to happen?
@Ethan as I originally said, I wasn't gonna make the AR because nobody took the situation seriously. You did though, so here we are
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