AR On Exrobite

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Your Steam/In-game Name: moher4 ghost / Moher Moussy

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Exrobite / Doggo (not sure if it is his ingame name)

His/Her SteamID: N/A

Why Should This Player Be Punished: The player came up to me with a gun and killed me for no reason at all. the player later claimed in OOC that he killed me as i was arresting his friend for murder which i was not. the player just assumed that i was going to arrest his friend for murder even though his friend was only being questioned like all the others i questioned about a incident that append in an area they were in and then let him go. the player also claimed that i was searching bazzar shops for the body which i did not as i had no reason to search any shop other then shop 2 where the crime was commited, again he assumed.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: 21000


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the crematorium
Let me run you through the reasons I shot you:

-You had cuffed 4-5 people in bazzar, including myself. I managed to slip away but when I did there were talks of you searching the properties and you seemed very adamant that you were going to search the other shops

-Upon returning, I saw everybody else uncuffed except for the person who had committed the murder, my friend John Edwardson.

-I knew that there were no other cops in the area, so it was not 3.4, my org had informed me of a big raid on regals meaning you were on your own.

In brief, we killed a cop, when I returned from being cuffed you had the murderer cuffed and everyone else let go, indicating you were arresting him. Not only that, but our org needed immediate assistance, so I had to kill you to help my friend who I had reasonable belief was being arrested, and who was needed in a base defence at regals.
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as you have said you heard not confirmed, you needed to make sure of what was happening and what has happened before you act or then everyone would just say the same exact thing for every non valid kill they make. anyway the facts are i had no evidence, the only door that was blown down was bazzar shop 2 which the life alert came from and we detained every one around and related to the incident under suspension and started an investigation after finally getting all the suspects under control after you slipped away and each one of them was asked similar questions, why there where in the ally, what they did there, weather they worked or not in bazzar, if they knew what happened & if i could search them for weapons (note: i asked not demanded) then i let each one of them go. you just happened to come in on the last two suspects and with out making sure of your information acted by killing me which was not a valid reason to kill me.


Professional Stripper
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I was involved in this situation as a bystander and suspect. This is what i can remember from my point if view. The situation started by an officer being murdered in Humphrey's Bazaar shop. Moher and Swat officer Dylan Larson both responded to the life alert. We hide the body in a Bazaar shop and ran out of the back door where Moher confronted us. Moher proceeded to athorise the SWAT officer to breach a Bazaar shop and investigate but neither of us knew wheather it was Humphrey's shop or the shop where the body was hid. After this the SWAT was called to Regals because of an on going raid. Humphrey then escaped while detained. Moher proceeded to interrogate us in Bazaar, by this time 4 of us had been detained for nearly 30 minutes. He ended up letting 3 of us go but keeping 1 in cuffs, at the time nobody knew whether they found the body in their shop or if he had got DNA on the body, so it did seem as if Moher was going to arrest the suspect as he was detained for longer than us all, who was infact ending up being the guy that commited the murder. Humphrey then notices this and decides to kill Moher while hes destracted by the suspect and hide the body again, leaving no evidence. This occured early in the morning so in reality there was only Moher maybe an officer and SWAT on duty at the time.
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Great Britain
Now I witnessed the latter half of this situation, and have around thirty minutes of footage from being handcuffed, and dragged around by moher, which I will upload if you so desire.

Now from my POV, he had worked through the stories of everyone besides myself and John, the guy who I later learned had actually slaughtered the piggy. His cover story was something along the lines of: "Well me and (someone) were in our store right, having gay sex, when-" Who was then cut off by warrior Doggo killing the cop. From what I saw, he did his best to stay out of the camera's fov, thereby not breaking 3.21. Considering the police force were occupied at regals at the time, I also believe 3.4 would not be a factor here.

Now when you claim you were having gay sex as an alibi, chances are they're going to figure you out. I think Doggo did a good here. Moher was a bit salted in OOC after being gunned down, to be fair we all were, mainly due to his slow, drawn-out police investigation process. (I.e. Keeping everyone handcuffed for fucking ages while he wandered around ordering swat to blow down random doors until the swat buggered off to regals.) Which quite honestly leads me to believe that even he knows there is very little substance to this AR, and that given the situation, it was the logical conclusion, and well within the rules.
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let me be very clear i only ordered swat to blow down 1 door which was the one where the life alert came from as i had no reason to blow any other door down. the investigation took as long as it did not because i was slow but rather all the suspects being uncooperative and mocking me and complaining about all of them being cuffed. i was not salty but rather confused to why somoeone gunned me down like they did even tho all the suspects were being released one by one after i take their statement, and again as i stated before even tho i noticed that each one of the people gave different stories to what happened and all there were missing gaps in each story which some add up and some don't which leads me to dead ends and the out come is i have not enough evidence to charge anyone with anything but rather note down all i found and heard as i always do with each investigation, ask if they are ok if i search them (they can say no btw unless i have a lawful reason to search without consent) and let them go just as i did in this case. now please before you make any further comments about what you think your friend did or what they told you happened watch the demo first. btw i am not able to upload the demo to youtube thanks to my limited speed and hard disk space so would be awesome if someone did it for Rouge


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From the looks of it, @Exrobite had no idea if the killer was being arrested for murder or not, he shot the officer thinking his friend was being arrested for murder. @Exrobite has received a warning for his actions.​
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