AR on festiveWiki

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: John Mcgowan
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0155779481
Why Should This Player Be Punished: broke rule 3.4 x2

First Account -

Wiki decided to turn his car round on the middle of the highway after a shootout and ran over an officer without a reason started running about under direct GP, "GraveDinosaur" said he would speak to wiki about his actions but it has been nearly a week since the admin sit happened and nothing is on "" indicating he has been warned/banned so i have decided to include this into the AR, Wiki had no reason what so ever to run the officer over, "GraveDinosaur" said he spoke to the suspect who was in the shootout and the suspect said he did not know who Wiki was nor why did he join the situation, looks a bit blood thirsty.

<Click Here To See The Plays.TV Recording>

Second Account -

Wiki decided to discharge his firearm in bazaar for no reason shooting at the walls and the ceiling to get attention, after i turned around and ran off he decided to GP me for no reason at all seeing as though this was the first encounter with him on this day/life and followed me to the small car park in bazaar, he then discharged his firearm right next to my head as you can see in the video and threatened my life for no reason. This resulted in Wiki's death minutes later when me and one other shoot him in the back of the head.

<Click Here To See The Plays.TV Recording>
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