AR on FetusDeletus

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] St.Wylde / Bonnie Wylde
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: FetusDeletus
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 x 2 + 3.15
3.4 Putting your Life at Risk
Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.
This rule is specifically relevant to the violation of any In-Character law, meaning that murders, thefts, etc, are all expected to be conducted realistically;
A common example of an unreasonable risk would be for a player to murder a Police Officer in order to avoid receiving a traffic ticket. The risk involved with the murder of a Police Officer is typically grossly disproportionate to the benefit of avoiding a traffic ticket. Another example would be for a player to walk on the highway without a justifiable reason.
3.15 Vehicle Damage
Players are not allowed to take action that is likely to lead to the damaging of their vehicle (except speeding within reason), or a vehicle belong to a friend unless they have a good/reasonable reason for doing so; for example, driving off-road on uneven terrain or intentionally driving into sides of buildings without good/reasonable
reason is not allowed. For a reason to be deemed as good/reasonable, the benefit of committing such actions must outweigh the drawbacks.

User decided to drive off under clear gunpoint and when shot at, decided to stop his car, reverse and run me over in front of multiple LEO's and the mayor. I feel as though this is a clear breach of 3.4 twice and 3.15, as he attempted to run over an armed SS Agent instead of fleeing.

As you can see by the video, he could have quite easily sped off through the intersection and gotten away due to his car being incredibly fast, but instead decided to further risk his life, freedom, and vehicle state by returning to run me over in front of Police (some of which being TFU). To my knowledge this resulted in his arrest and forfeiture of his vehicle.

Reported this in game but it was not dealt with within a 2 hour time frame and I had to go.
Evidence (Demo Required):
@Henk As you can see the cops are already approaching him , as the cops gunpoint him he's still trying to shoot me. Another thing is that he was telling the guy stepping into my car to stop, not me. If i entered the highway or went straight forward my car would break guaranteed, so i had to make this decision to save both myself , my mate and my car. If such a situation would happen in real life you'd choose yourself over your car too wouldn't you? I can also not smell if he's an SS agent yes or no , i thought he was just a civillian. This was an act of self defence. He said ''Get down , Get down , Get down , so what am i supposed to think? I'm in a vehichle , kind of hard to get down.
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@Henk As you can see the cops are already approaching him , as the cops gunpoint him he's still trying to shoot me.

The cops all know I'm an SS agent mate because I was SS for the whole afternoon, they werent gunpointing me either. Completely irrelevant. Think I did wrong? Make an AR.

This was an act of self defence.

"Self-defence is a countermeasure that involves defending the health and well-being of oneself from harm. " -Wikipedia

Driving into someone at 200 mph whilst you could have easily driven off on the intersection isn't really protecting yourself from harm, realistically, your windshield will not protect you from bullets, especially if you are speeding towards it. Nor is taking the life of an SS Agent in front of the PD a viable solution to protecting your health and wellbeing.
so i had to make this decision to save both myself , my mate and my car. If such a situation would happen in real life you'd choose yourself over your car too wouldn't you?

Your mate was in no danger from anything other than a ticket or a minor jail sentence (Which he got lol)

, i thought he was just a civillian.

Because civilians ever attempt to detain someone for punching an LEO and Civillians have torches on there guns, rite?

If i entered the highway or went straight forward my car would break guaranteed

Dunno about you but my car rarely breaks when I enter the highway because if it did then it wouldn't be a very good highway innit?

''Get down , Get down , Get down , so what am i supposed to think? I'm in a vehichle , kind of hard to get down.

Funny, in OOC you said that you "didnt hear me say anything" and accused me of "not giving any commands", but now you're saying you heard it and didnt know what to do? You get out the car and get on your knees mate, ezpz.

. If such a situation would happen in real life you'd choose yourself over your car too wouldn't you?

Yeah I'd choose myself and drive to the intersection to evade the gunfire and not stop and turn round trying to run into the shooter. See, works both ways because I'd be protecting my life AND My car!
The cops all know I'm an SS agent mate because I was SS for the whole afternoon, they werent gunpointing me either. Completely irrelevant. Think I did wrong? Make an AR.

"Self-defence is a countermeasure that involves defending the health and well-being of oneself from harm. " -Wikipedia

Driving into someone at 200 mph whilst you could have easily driven off on the intersection isn't really protecting yourself from harm, realistically, your windshield will not protect you from bullets, especially if you are speeding towards it. Nor is taking the life of an SS Agent in front of the PD a viable solution to protecting your health and wellbeing.

Your mate was in no danger from anything other than a ticket or a minor jail sentence (Which he got lol)

Because civilians ever attempt to detain someone for punching an LEO and Civillians have torches on there guns, rite?

Dunno about you but my car rarely breaks when I enter the highway because if it did then it wouldn't be a very good highway innit?

Funny, in OOC you said that you "didnt hear me say anything" and accused me of "not giving any commands", but now you're saying you heard it and didnt know what to do? You get out the car and get on your knees mate, ezpz.

Yeah I'd choose myself and drive to the intersection to evade the gunfire and not stop and turn round trying to run into the shooter. See, works both ways because I'd be protecting my life AND My car!
Yes , because i just saw the video of you talking right next to me , you said ''get down , get down'' i didnt think you were talking to me , nor i thought it was you talking lol + I meant that if i went on the highway , you'd still be able to shoot me , same if i went towards the hospital , the bullets would still hit me.

User will receive a warning for the actions seen in the video
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