AR on Fusions

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This was dealt with in an admin situation, if you sit around in a gunfight whilst unarmed expect to get shot. I thought you were one of the people that shooting because you are surrounded by people that are also shooting, you only start to run after I put 3 shots into you. In future, try not to sit in a gunfight whilst unarmed as you are essentially just watching it all and not doing shit, stop getting salty just because you got shit on. From a range like that, I can only assume whether you were involved by your actions, your actions being that you were with the people shooting and I new you were in their org therefore making it likely you were involved.
I don't have any weapons on me so others can help you
You clearly new you didn't have a weapon yet stayed in the shootout.
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First of all @Samuel told him to make the AR. Also he wouldn't have known i shot that car, because they were out for Bryon. I dealed with the car, and decided to run back inside, but you shot me, while my gun was on my back running back inside.
How would he have known that a trigger happy person, would gun him down unarmed, for no reason, because one of his friends/org member raided your friend. He were not involved at all in your RP sit. You gunned multiple people down, literally for no reason, because one of our friends, and org member, raided your friend. Doesn't makes him involved.
Plus you knew from the beginning, which you also told in the admin sit, that it was only Teby raiding your friend. And you said in the sit, you shot us because you believed we were backup, which we were not.
Im not involved but i feel like i have to point this out in favour of @Fusions .

If anything here bud, you're breaking the rules...walking around unarmed in a gunfight giving your friends info is stupid, you could've been caught in the cross fire. Fusions was gunning down everybody who was shooting cops as they are all associated with mugging one of his good mates.

If you weren't breaking 3.4, this wouldn't have happened @Fusions assumes you were involved and has every right to shoot you. Dont break rules next time and you wont get killed end of. Running around going [LOOC] AHAHAH every time one of your friends shot someone. It's also very hard to see who's armed and who's not as you were behind the fence half the time.

very dumb AR i expect better from you @Yaseen
Not to mention the fact it was dealt with in an admin situation.
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