AR on Gaming Peach & Epithax

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Dee/Joey Gangitano

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jordi anfy/Epithax
David Peach/GamingPeach

His/Her SteamID: Epithax=STEAM_0:0:54716490
GamingPeach= STEAM_0:0:83369436

Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.1/2.5/3.4/3.15
2.1 They were ramming my vehicle for pretty much no reason at all which is the opposite of realistic.
2.5 As you can see in the video i was trying to do stuff, i was scouting out farm as i was looking for a raid and i was going to storage to get my raiding tools. They kept preventing me from doing so and it really got annoying also they killed me after doing all that to me which negatively affected me.
3.4 They slammed the brakes knowing fine it would result in a crash that could have killed everyone in both cars. They pretty much showed no fear for their life.
3.15 well that one is pretty clear.
Also i believe Epithax aka Jordi anfy lied to an admin, this can be sorted by a video from his POV. He said the reason he shot was because i almost killed him when i rammed him yet in the video my car never even touched him. He told that to shaun during our mini sit.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: Starts @55000 and ends @63500. the rest after that is a small sit and getting the info on them

@Emperor Shaun
Anyone who can get gaming peaches steam ID i will appreciate it :)
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GamingPeachs SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83369436


EDIT: @GamingPeach @Epithax - Just thought they should know they got a AR on them.
+ Support if what you say is true, then they have broken the rules and I believe they are deserving of a ban time that is deemed appropriate by the attending Admin. (I am unable to view the demo at this time, so I am going off the verbal evidence you have presented).


Both users including you will be given the appropriate punishment for their actions.​
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