AR on gangbangers

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Bruce Wayne | Dylan Larsen

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Leo | Unknown, ♛Enzy♛ | Unknown, "ToeRag2k6" | Unknown.

His/Her SteamID: In order: STEAM_0:1:36950508, STEAM_0:1:85899821 , STEAM_0:1:102767676

Why Should This Player Be Punished: All assisted in killing me for no reason. I was getting materials to craft and I start getting shot at out of no where, they said it was because I stole their friends car which never happened. Leo claims he saw me running from his car but it was my van. @John Doe was also killed for no reason a minute after me, however I believe he'll make a seperate ar on them.

Evidence (Demo Required):
If John wants to make an AR he can make one. I'm sure he can speak for himself. Him shouting "Im going to kill you" Is more than a reason for us to kill him. Now as far as this is concerned, a video of my perspective will be posted to show what I saw on my screen. This will then be followed with four apologies as we now realise it wasn't you who stole the car.

On my screen and the others it looked as if you drifted the car and ran into uncle cos. In your video you can see me going into passive mode as I realised we may have been wrong. To be honest there isn't much I can do other than apologise, this was clearly a misunderstanding on our side. I wasn't really playing attention to you until I got out of the car and at that point all I saw was you running as if you was trying to get to cover. Sorry.
OK here's our point of view
I would like to apologize to Aquaa for killing you as we were following the people that had stolen my car and when we pulled up in the car it looked like you had slid the car sideways and jumped out and ran into the shop the head lights were on as well so I though you didnt turn off the engine I do apologize again sorry we were a bit panicky as we had lose the car 2 mins back
They shot at everyone in the area. Shortly after they killed John Clean, we drove past them (I think it's your body on the sidewalk in the beginning of the video). They began to run towards my car with a rifle, so we drove into the garage to see if they were following us, and then they began to shoot at us for no reason. Maybe a little bit excessive to massmurder a whole city block, because of a stolen car.

I'd like to state that it was me and Chris that stole the car, and just left it there, because it had no gas left. BUT they didn't know it was us until we told them an hour later, and then they killed us both.
I have nothing do with that as at 1:05 you can see the mono rail leaving I was on it and wasn't involved with anything that happened after Aquaa
We did take care of the two in uncle cos and the coffee shop not sure about the other ones since I was Gone at that stage
We did take care of the Npc's in Uncle Cos, in fact I even took out the camera at the main garage (Which can be seen in Cjay's video). We obviously didn't have time to take care of every Npc in the entire block (Which is basically what your saying we would have had to do) since we had to go after the people who took the car who at the time were at the main garage.

I'm not sure what you expect to gain from this AR. We have clearly shown that this was nothing but a misunderstanding and have even offered apologies while others would claim it wasn't their fault you looked more guilty than OJ. We're hardly going to start going around rdming everybody who's near the car.
Killing you was not acceptable according to rule 2.5, as it was based on a broad assumption. Those involved have offered sincere apology and accept their mistake, and will receive either warnings/bans (subject to each individual's history).

I am not concerned about the NPCs in this case, it's not the primary issue and there was really no need to try and pile as many rules as possible onto these guys. As much as @Leo has rightly pointed out that the wording suggests it is a possibility, shooting the NPC is not an appropriate solution in this case because you're here to shoot up the one guy that took your car and get away; not unnecessarily murder other people.

Everyone should also be aware that 'taking NPCs into consideration' doesn't imply that you have to tie each and every one up or even interact with them at all - it does what it says on the tin, treat them as any bystanding real player. For example, if you run up to them and threaten them, you've considered the NPC. If you do a drive-by, and get out of there as quickly as you can, you've considered that the NPC wasn't really a problem.

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