AR on Garret_Pp

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Martin Lawrence as Black K***ht / Nicky O-Neill

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Garret_Pp / Garret Pierzchajlo

His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:25000355

Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5, possibly 3.4: Garret came to my cigarette stand while his friends were occupied with shooting eachother in the street in front of NPCs and attempted to extort 6-8k from me, when I refused to pay, he left and I was later shot twice. After that he told me he raised the price in which I still refused, he left and then paid someone 40k to kill me. I was not only in front of several NPCs but a police officer aswell. Paying someone 40k to kill someone who refused to give you 8k for no reason is completely unreasonable and excessive from my point of view, trying to kill me benefited him in no way, he lost money killing me for not paying him.. Me and my friends have extorted a lot in the past and we were all made very clear by many staff members that killing someone for that reason is highly excessive.

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- please have these stands in bazaar instead, even though they might add great and fun RP we still wish to keep stuff like This at bazaar ;)
Yeah I hold firm in my explanation but let me expand on the series of event to help clarify.
1) We go to your shop first in our list to help test out and work out the kinks of this.
2) We asked for your employee to pay us 3k for protection from the "dangerous world". We informed him if he involved his employer the price doubles
3) The people who came up and harassed us were not involved originally and I have no idea why they were attacking eachother but we ended up working together later after they stole one of our vehicles (long story there nothing really to do with this situation).
4) Your employee involved you so the cost became 6k, we gave you multiple chances to pay up and when you didn't I came along in my convoy and fired off ~12 shots of a suppressed weapon at your shop. The point wasn't to hit you but to scare you into submission.
5) When we returned we raised the price because you hadn't been complying, when you STILL refused to pay knowing we were serious it's not like we could keep shooting in your general direction until you paid, we were also trying to expand to other "clients" and we needed to show them we were serious so we didn't have to do this again.
6) SIDE NOTE I told my employees constantly during this matter that "dead men don't pay" meaning that if we killed you, you couldn't pay up. So we tried to exhaust ALL options before the final one came about.
7) I offered 10k i believe originally and quickly realized nobody would kill you for this price so I doubled it to send a message to everybody else that we were serious and so that somebody would take the contract.
8) I paid 40k because the person who ended up killing you was an employee and I pay them more generally, especially when they take risk. you have to spend money to make money.

Overall I believe my actions were completely justified and furthermore I took many extra steps to avoid killing you if I could but eventually you gave me no choice. It's not like I jumped the gun, rather it was my last option. Besides why would anybody else pay in the future if I was just going to let them go otherwise. As you can see by the chat logs as well I clearly believed it was within my bounds by the rules and we had thought about that beforehand.
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