AR on Havok

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] PøllehornEater / Martino Bambino

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Havok / Troye Labron

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59600367

Why Should This Player Be Punished?: This player broke 3.4 and 2.5. He gunpointed me in public and infront of the pd and there was a camara watching him. He killed me due to that I have been calling him stupid things and pushed him few times, same thing he did to me. There was still an officer that was roleplaying and he were right inside the PD arresting a guy. Right after he killed me, he disconnected after like 1-3 mins.
@The HitMan

Evidence :
Shows that he disconnected after he killed me.
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Quite clearly you can see him gun pointing you on front of a camera, and realistically the police would have already been there due to the camera. Furthermore we can not see what you said to him, but he says "what you say?" which shows you said something to him prior to this. Whatever you said should not have resulted in your death thus him breaking 2.5 and 3.4.

This player was last banned only a week ago and came back a week ago only to be breaking rules again. I doubt he is here to roleplay and he should not have shot you at all. I did see you try to help him by warning him but he took none of it into consideration and killed you.

Clear breakage of 2.5 and 3.4:

Yeah kinda weird how he would Gun point someone infront of a camera in a very public place as the Police department.
This seems very unrealistic
User broke 3.4 by gunpointing you in fron of the PD and 2.5 by killing you without a valid reason.

The camera does not act like an NPC, does not need to be dealt with and you can commit crimes in front of it.
The camera doesn't matter with no dispatchers available. However the NPC inside the booth by the parking lot would see you (not to mention hear the shot). I would say shooting you in front of the PD after talking for so long, is possibly 3.4, depending on his reasoning behind the murder, and if he had a plan. If the reasons provided above are truthful, I can see this user getting punished for 3.4, 2.5 and 6.3.
I have not looked into the AR in depth but just to save time in the future refrain from saying things like "This is 3.4" etc in LOOC.
Gutted i loved this Scousers voice , always made me laugh

Hes not Welsh @The HitMan
Hes not irish Martinio lol
Hes English and a scouser

BUT the user has clearly broken 3.4 and 2.5, not only did he kill him infront of a PD, but didnt take in account the NPC or Camera infront of the PD.

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So this guy in my perspective has broke 2.1 from gun-pointing you in front of the police department, this is highly unrealistic due to there being around 7+ police on the server at this time (13:00 GMT). The user also broke 3.4 for doing this in such a high populated area also in front of a police station, 6.3 for doing it right near the police station (by the door towards NPC) and also counting CCTV depending if dispatcher is actually online, 2.5 for killing you for saying shut up or you're stupid.
No matter what was said nor what happened prior to someone getting killed in front of the PD, This could have easily been handled at a latter date with the same results. There was no need for him to handle it infront of the PD.

The user will be banned for both 2.1 and 3.4, it is not realistic nor is it preserving your own life by gunpointing and shooting someone outside of the Police Department
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