AR on Haydenc

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Wiki/Jemima McGowan
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: HaydenC/Hayden Carter
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79218086
Why Should This Player Be Punished
: 3.4 3.6 I was going about my day and decided to walk into the shop, I was talking to Hayden and being a bit mingey but that is besides the point for this. What happened was I heard gunshots outside and I instructed him and his friend to put their hands up. I was blatantly ignored by them and when I was reported for this I got a warning but nothing was done about the 3.4 breakage.

When I brought this to @LEWIS 088’s attention he told me nothing would be done as I was being an idiot at the time. I am 100% sure that is not how it works at all. I would prefer this was not closed as this was not dealt with at all by Lewis and quite frankly ignored. Nor would I like Lewis to deal with it.

I also find it kind of odd that Hayden has removed the sound and it just shows me shooting him, no context is given. It is so obvious I am giving him a command to put his hands up and I’m just being ignored. I would much rather @HaydenC does not delete the clip, it saves a lot of hassle. I have the clip saved so if it is deleted I can just re-upload it.


This was already dealt with in game when I talked to the user about your own actions and I decided to take no further action, you then started trying to get me to make some kind of punishment on him and I told you that it wasn't going to happen.
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