AR on ibraaa

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Reaction score
Prague, Czech republic, European Union,
Your Steam/In-game Name: obidan66 / Eddie Grey

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @ibraaa / Luke Jefferson

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:202214913

Why Should This Player Be Punished?: The player broke rules 2.1 and 3.3, following me, insulting me and killing me without any apparent reason, as I had no interaction with the player for more than past 24 real-life hours. This is not the first I stance of such an incident happening with this player, but it is the first one I am reporting.

Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: The relevant portion of the demo begins at 43000 and the incident itself begins at 51000 and ends at 55900.
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He didn’t even die. He got knocked unconscious by me, when I really didn’t intent to. My intention was just to ragdoll me, and due to him standing in some dumb position, between my car and a wall, he got pushed away so fast that he died.
Constantly was harassing me. And tbh, we have like a „tradition“ to annoy each other. Understand it how you’d like to understand it
@ibraaa @Collier There is no tradition of annoying each other, I do not like ibraaa for many reasons that are not relevant here, but I never go out of my way to insult him or to cause him harm. He does so without any reason or previous interaction. Not to mention that the statement of me constantly harassing ibraaa is completely false and fabricated as I have stated, I have had no interaction with him for more than 24 IRL hours beforehand.
Interesting. I will watch your demo when I have the time and monitor any interactions. Whatever the case may be, if the best reason he can think of is some sort of verbal dispute it is a 2.5 violation regardless.
@Collier I agree. I know it is still against the rules to kill someone over an insult, but to be fair, I'd understand that. But this isn't even the case, literally, the only thing I said to him before he insulted me and killed me with his car is "Can I help you?". That's my issue here. His actions are literally the definition of RDM and no intention to RP at all.
After watching the video, I saw obidan spawn, minidng his own business, when ibraa suddenly shows up, follows him, rams his car, insults him, then kills him. It is apparent that there was no previous interaction between the 2 players and based on the comments I have seen, it is clear to me that you fundamentally misunderstand the concept of 2.5.

His current ban will be extended.
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