AR on icekiller_99, Al capone

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Jossyl / Zac Ferdollini
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Icekiller_99 / Jack Richards, Al capone / Eren Walker
His/Her SteamID: icekiller_99 = STEAM_0:1:87262869 , Al capone = STEAM_0:0:60869150
Why Should This Player Be Punished: They did 3 offenses, they wrecked my car after raiding us. wich is not allowed after that I respawned I just tried to raid them wich is perfectly fine, I shot their shop and when I arrived at storage they also shot a friend of me that was near me at storage for no reason ( friend ig name is bryan devgru - ooc Skippy0308 ). then I went to police department when I got away and then they suddendly get out of their car and start shooting me but I killed them. after they died I went to bazaar to check if there was something to buy and then I knock on their door totaly unarmed they suddendly kill me and my friend again for no reason. Eren walker aka al capone said that he saw me killing his friends wich you can clearly see in the video at PD that there was NOBODY in the are so he could not have seen that.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: ?

NOTE : i am not ghosting, its just a friend gaming in the same room as me because he sleeps at my house ).
sure why am i not seeing you then? you got proof?
I m not saying bad stuff mate ;) don't think you know my language that good then hahaha
I like how you're making yourself look like the victim, when you destroyed my car and harassed me continuously
@Tchami my dutch isn't that good but "I've got them move the wepons" in the third clip is pretty fucking funny ngl.
then I went to police department when I got away and then they suddendly get out of their car and start shooting me but I killed them
I'm sorry but from what the video showed, you were clearly baiting them and intending to shoot them, otherwise you wouldn't have come with a rifle to the PD so saying "they suddenly start shooting me" is not really fair is it.
i really don't give a damn shit about what you all say, you werent there so stop complaining about something you don't know okey? Its all about friends on this community and thats what makes me PUKE on this community
You do realize i was the one that was driving the McLaren P1, not Eren Walker and i never harrassed you, i was just driving jack but you started shooting me, ramming my car and killed me in front of PD for no reason
I have evidence of you getting something out of your trunk, and also you are his friend so it is a bit suspicious isn't it? ;)
alright thats indeed my fault but you did the same as I have shown and you broke other rules aswell. ( for icekiller ) so sorry for the disrespect but before you blame me look at yourself ;)
alright thats indeed my fault but you did the same as I have shown and you broke other rules aswell. ( for icekiller ) so sorry for the disrespect but before you blame me look at yourself ;)
You also disrespected me?


Icekiller made a report regarding this.
First of all, all of you had a horrible attitude in OOC. You all should be punished for that.
You report him for wrecking your car after he killed you, but you just uploaded a video of you doing the same.
Both of you had an anger on each other and broke NLR just to piss each other off.

I've spoken to Icekiller about this, will send you a PM as well regarding this.​
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