@Daigestive @Aquaa
Response to demo:
In Dais demo you see me get out of the car and shooting him. Thats correct. I did this because I saw my and Adrian’s van were destroyed. As I witnessed 2 broken cars I saw Dai running away from them.
To me thats 1+1, immediatly knew he had done it.
Response to description:
Dai said that we had no interaction whatsoever in a previous life. This is complete bullshit... This whole incident happened 10 minutes after Dai tried mugging me and my buddy at the beach, twice! First time he tried, he got shot by the cops. Eventough he got shot we tried telling him that the beach was a public area and that muggings weren’t allowed. Second attempt to mug us was probably out of pure anger. Once again I tried telling him it wasn’t allowed. After few seconds my buddy pulled a gun on Dai to defend us. Dai killed us both. Yes I said in ooc that he’d destroyed my car. But IC I didn’t know that yet. That’s why when I arrived and saw my car destroyed I took instant measures.
So what Dai said about not having had any interactions beforehand is pure bullshit.
Not to mention that there was another AR opened same evening about his toxic and insulting talk. Which was directed at me too.
Response to AR:
I’m a strong believer of talking things out man to man. Dai and I are grown enough to talk this out. We had both done stupid stuff in the heat of the moment. Shit happens. It’s just saddening to see him open an AR for this.
If Dai is still up to make things right without all this unnecessary stuff he can hit me up.
But if he wants to set this through, than I’ll open an AR myself including his toxic behaviour and the beach muggings, which I really don’t want to because its such a small feud.
I hope to have given enough info, if not you can hit me up.
Note: we had already spoken with a staff member (forgot who) soon after all this happened. Told both sides of the story and he acknowledged it was just a major clusterfuck of nothing special.