AR on JaffaCake

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] ErmakDimon/Dmitrii Ermakovich
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: JaffaCake/Can't Remember
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:71504904
Why Should This Player Be Punished: NOTE: @GraveDinosaur banned him for disconnecting in a pursuit, but asked me to make an AR for other rules

It all started when i saw a red mini cooper illegally parked at the bank. Since it already received a ticket, i assumed that it was parked there for a quite long amount of time, so i called RC to tow it off. Once the car was almost hooked up, the driver came up and drove off. I decided to pull him over but he didn't want to, i spotted that by seeing him driving over sidewalks and crossing a red light. So a pursuit was initiated, in which at the Beach i finally stopped him. I got out of my car and gunpointed his car while he was driving at 2-3mph, but instead of stopping he attempted to run me over, in response to this i discharged my weapon into the suspect's car, as under law 11.11 he was posing a direct threat to me. After being shot he didn't stop either. I was unable to continue the pursuit since i was majorly injured so i called for a paramedic and the backup officers continued the pursuit. I was going to the hospital with lights and sirens on as my health was "You're Gonna Die Soon". After i get patched up i hear over the radio that the suspect jumped off the highway. We searched everywhere but couldn't find the body, luckily there were witnesses that told me that the suspect ran off. Then an officer says that he's in foot pursuit, in which the suspect disconnects. You can ask @GraveDinosaur for the logs.

TL;DR: He broke 3.4, 3.6, 3.20 and disconnected in an rp sit.
Evidence (Demo Required):!uJMSlBjK!xba3NrSy44uNqXk83WdJnypdYH38HwryBSzaXDTFqfQ
Tick: 25000
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He has currently been banned for disconnecting during an RP situation. But I did not increase the ban time for
3.4, 3.6, 3.20. Since I had no evidence of him breaking these rules. PS: Take an hour of the time in the Date section.Screenshot_1.png

The user has broken rule 2.1 and 3.4 by starting a police pursuit for a invalid reason, he also tried to run over a police officer who was pointing a firearm at him.

He will be banned for 5 days for these reasons.
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