AR on Jamie Sanchez

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United Kingdom, Southampton
Your Steam/In-game Name: Moon The Goon
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jamie Sanchez / [G-S]AdrenalineJamie☣
His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Ran under gun point. 3.4
Evidence (Demo Required):
+Supporting this as I was there too and you clearly gunpointed him and he even saw you. I gun pointed him too with my Deagle but you killed him.
+support he ran under gun point and also tried to lock on you the door, it wasnt realistic.
When he ran out if THE door he had THE time but you were fast enough so he Should have stopped when you went out of THE door.

+support as he broke 3.4

(Btw @SteyLex THE noice you are hearing is a Tv, old school runescape 4life)
(Moon he comments at THE end, aka THE tv)
User had no realistic chance after he went out of the shop to escape from being gunpointed which resulted in the users death (3.4). Overall a +support from me.
Cannot watch the demo currently as its 5 AM but it's pretty straightforward. If the demo is accurate, the user running away from the latter user while held at gunpoint, evidently leading to his death is an unarguable violation of rule 3.4. If it's not accurate to what was stated about it well then it's just not valid.
Everyone, it's clear he broke 3.4 here and multiple people have already pointed that out. There is no need to continue on supporting and pointing out that he broke 3.4 because it's already obvious. There is no doubt about that he will face punishment. So people stop post farming.

User clearly broke 3.4 after seeing you gunpoint him and not stopping after telling him not to run multiple times which led to his death
After reviewing the post and the evidence provided this is my opinion.
Rule 3.4: Putting your life/freedom at risk:
The user clearly saw and heared you as you was gun-pointing him, he/she had no excuse to run under gunpoint and the evidence clearly shows it.

I clearly +Support this Action Request for the reasons displayed above this text and by the evidence provided.

Regards Appricey
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