AR on jarred and moon

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: bobo

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: jarred and sossa

His/Her SteamID: (jarred) STEAM_0:1:42883693 / (moon) STEAM_0:0:43436378

Why Should This Player Be Punished: first user 3.4 he was the driver he ignored gun point and commands under gun point and decided to drive off under gun point putting his life at risk.

second user broke NLR by literally just admitting so in the comments bellow also broke 3.4 by running away under gun point and not following order under gun point which resulted in his death

user admitting on breaking nlr-


Evidence (Demo Required):
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Yeah mate you were literally invisible for me.

Already made an RR with proof that you were.
can you link the demo i wanna check something
@JARRE not exactly one minute but it was weird that all your friends seen me and you running away from me on foot knowing where i was and then the second i cuff you, you tell me oocly that i turned invisible
Involved, I was on the highway when I seen this.

You've just executed someone who wasn't visibly armed, requesting them to step out the vehicle and when he did you killed him. If I was them inside the vehicle, I would of put my foot down regardless under 3.6
right, i forgot to add your friend to the ar, thanks for reminding me also i'm sure your friend will thank you for reminding me
@GringoHead ok

p.s you're not really involved, driving on the highway makes you involved, weirdchamp probably the rules don't really apply to you.
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Btw Bobo I have no idea why you killed me I had NLR I was gonna run away from it I even said so In LOOC but you still decided to kill me seeing I'm unarmed. And as you see I don't make petty AR's
@bobo There was exactly 1 minute between you shooting me and me getting cuffed. You didn't 'turn' invisible when you cuffed me you were invisible the whole time, that's why I drove off as I didn't see you.
dont care if you're armed or unarmed people in your color shot at cops at church looking like you so i had many reasons why i shot you, if you feel it's unfair go make an ia, still doesn't give you any rights to break nlr and 3.4
I don't know why sossa in tagged as he was literally not involved as sitting in the gulag at the time of these events. I don't know why moon in tagged in this as you literally shot him down for following your orders.
Where do you go deciding I broke 3.4 and NLR? I wasn't the driver he took me there and when you said go out I did and attempted to go out of the NLR zone can be seen in logs too and what did you do? Shoot my head smartass.
would've been 40x better if any of the staff answered my report instead of leaving it 2 hours there hanging just to answer a simple question
user admitting on breaking nlr-
Dude cuts the entire thing I said and puts a picture like staff is blind LOL
"Btw Bobo I have no idea why you killed me I had NLR I was gonna run away from it I even said so In LOOC"
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@JARRE has proven bobo was invisible for him and will not receive a punishment.
@Moon has not said anything about bobo being invisible and will, therefore, receive a warning for 3.4 as 'being in an NLR zone' does not justify not following gunpoint.

Reviewed with @SpaceShots, @Synatec.

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