AR on Joe Bagger

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Your Steam/In-game Name: The Omega/Oliver Jorgensen

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Slayerduck/Joe Bagger

His/Her SteamID: Actually don't know

Why Should This Player Be Punished: I and 2 other friend was on the way to raid slums apartment 1, first we thought the other guys was our friends but treaters, but i gun pointed joe bagger, and he just ignored it i told him to get down he didn't so actually he broke rule 3.4 and he was a staller, cause he's friends got time to draw they're weapons cause he broke the rules.

Evidence (Demo Required):

It looked to me that he didn't really actually see your gun pointing him? And Baggers was being loud so he probably couldn't hear you. At the very least, I think maybe warn for this?
I was screwing around and yelling bullshit as i entered my own apartment, i didn't hear anyone saying i should get down as i entered nor did i see a gunpoint. Not sure what you expected to happen, even if i got down you'd still be shot dead. I was surrounded by friends and you decided to gunpoint me in the middle of a crowd for what reason?

Not sure what outcome you expected here ;/

If you didn't cut the video so stupidly short you'd hear me yelling "LETS GO BOYS LETS GO BOYS DOOR IS OPEN SHOOT EVERYBODY INSIDE!" before i walked in while punching air :)
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You attempted to gunpoint someone that didn't even know in the first place that you had a gun on him as his back was turned towards you. Because of Bagger's madman yelling he could not even understand a single word you have said which resulted in you being shot to death by his friends which really was not a good plan on your part. I don't see anything wrong with this situation.
Well joe was not looking looking at you at all so he did not know you where holding a gun even if he did get down it would not matter cause he friend would have shot yoU if he got down or not.So I don't really know why you would try to gun point when his friend is clearly right behind you.hes name is not joe bagger is joe baggers
It's simple, baggers never saw you in the first place. This resulted in your death due to you being ignorant to his friend.
No matter the situation, if you're mugging someone make sure their friends aren't around to witness you pulling a gun to their friend's head.
No rules broken here, Joe Baggers was being Joe Baggers and this made him completely oblivious to his surroundings.
Supports or no supports, it's the staff team's discretion here. +&- doesn't do jack shit.
practice mugging tacteecs pls.
Instead of putting "Actually don't know" hit the actual tilde key to open the actual console and actually type in "status" it actually works.
Time for @Chris' tactic on breaking AR's down

I and 2 other friend was on the way to raid slums apartment 1, first we thought the other guys was our friends but treaters, but i gun pointed joe bagger, and he just ignored it i told him to get down he didn't so actually he broke rule 3.4 and he was a staller, cause he's friends got time to draw they're weapons cause he broke the rules.

Firstly, I didn't understand much stuff from this part but lets focus on why he should be punished. So, if you can see you said he was stalling.

This is what stalling actually means


Someone who stalls something, in this case @Slayerduck was not stalling as he didn't even know he was being gunpointed. Stalling is when for example: You search him then he slows down on dropping items. That's what stalling means in the dictionary.

cause he's friends got time to draw they're weapons cause he broke
the rules.

You gave your back to his friend, which then 3.4 had worn off for his friend and attempted to kill you which was successful. If you gunpointed Joe Baggers and he heard you and got on the ground he still would've got the chance as you focused mainly on him.

In the video, you will hear Baggers yelling and screaming, which was joking around. He firstly couldn't hear you.

Next time, focus on both targets and shoot whoever doesn't co-operate.

I was in that sit, it was me and 2 more friends trying to save joe as we were there the whole time even when he opened the door but we were allways behind them to see if they pull a gun on him.
I dont think he broke any ruels

I was screwing around and yelling bullshit as i entered my own apartment

Thought you were raiding unarmed for a minute, at least this is the case haha.

But here's a model of how eyes work:

Implying, he could have in no way known that his life was at risk, and therefore can't be expected to act. It's preposterous that you would think it works like this.

Granted, if he wasn't screaming and you clearly told him that he was under gunpoint and you would shoot him if he kept on moving, it would give him a responsibility to check whether he was in danger or not; this is not the case though.

Slayerduck had no clue if he was being gunpointed due to him being very loud but also him having his back turned towards you. I'd suggest saying that you have a gun to him next time.

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