AR on Liquid_Head

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Vladimir Slezkov / Racxes
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sergey Dragunov / Liquid_Head
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:17327749
Why Should This Player Be Punished: This user first of all gunpoints me with a non silenced beretta and is even doing it in public which is a break on the rules. I tell him its against the rules to mug somebody in a public area and he continues on with the muggin and afterwards shoots me.

Assuming that this player was in-fact attempting to mug you, which it seems to be he was, you still acted innapropriately in response to him. In this you should have continued on with the Role-play situation not interrupting it and following his orders, even though he was breaking the rules. You also continued after this to disrespect him in an Out-Of-Character setting by calling him a, "Dumbfuck," in Local Out-Of-Character chat. In the end, his intentions dictate whether or not he was in the wrong. If he was attempting to mug you, then of course, he has violated the rules. However, it is unknown if he attempted to mug you. If you can provide evidence that these were his intentions, then he would indeed be in violation of rule 5.1.
Assuming that this player was in-fact attempting to mug you, which it seems to be he was, you still acted innapropriately in response to him. In this you should have continued on with the Role-play situation not interrupting it and following his orders, even though he was breaking the rules. You also continued after this to disrespect him in an Out-Of-Character setting by calling him a, "Dumbfuck," in Local Out-Of-Character chat. In the end, his intentions dictate whether or not he was in the wrong. If he was attempting to mug you, then of course, he has violated the rules. However, it is unknown if he attempted to mug you. If you can provide evidence that these were his intentions, then he would indeed be in violation of rule 5.1.
I'am not sure how i am supposed to prove the evidence further than the video shows.
So, about the guy pointing the gun, he does in fact break 5.1 obviously
it is night-time, however cars still drive past, it's also a parking lot and a big market so lots of people could potentially see what happened so really he would've just got himself into trouble instead. Oh and he also breaks 3.24 by reading out the LOOC chat IC. So +support on this

However your attitude was kind of poor in the situation, I understand if you didn't move for a couple of seconds because you made a /report, however saying stuff in the LOOC chat when you have a gun pointed to your head and trying to essentially stop the RP situation isn't a good idea. You therefore broke rule 2.6
you refused to role play on-wards even though the guy broke rules. It then resulted in your getting shot because you took your sweet little time to type in LOOC instead of complying while having a gun to your head. Thereby breaking 3.6 in my eyes - regardless if the guy decided to mug you in the open you should've complied to his orders until a staff member came.
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Rules broken by the criminal:
5.1 | Mugged you in clear view of the business shops and in a parking lot, thus making it public
3.24 | Reading LOOC chat (thanks mage, lmao)

Rules broken by you:
1.1 | Calling him a "dumbfuck"
3.4 | You did not get down on the ground. You should have gone thru with the mugging and made a report afterwards.

I'll be +supporting this.
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User Will be warned for 3.4 as he gunpointed you in a public area

You Will be warned for 3.24 and 1.1 by stalling the rp situation and going OOC disrespecting the guy
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