AR on louis

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Your Steam/In-game Name: JustJosh / Josh Benoit
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: louis / Harrison Turner
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_1:1:101636185
Why Should This Player Be Punished: User failed to value their life under gunpoint and ran off then shot me.
Evidence (Demo Required):
You weren't looking directly at me, the car was cover for an escape that could've worked perfectly, and it worked, you can't target 2 at at the same time especially when we both had guns and could have easily both pulled them
IMO you were clearly focusing on me at the point where he started running away, he hasn't got eyes in the back of his head so cannot tell that you have moved from looking at me to following him.
No i msged you saying Sorry to prevent you wasting time and i didn’t wanna be a prick and go on about how you can’t make an AR, I added you on steam and sat there and nothing but positivity, i was just apologising cause i didn’t want to start an argument
You said sorry for breaking 3.4 yes admitting to the rule break.

@Lewis Dragon is right when saying that you were not directly gun pointing and that he did, in fact, have a chance of escaping.
However I also do see the fact that you could have opened fire on him, the second he started running towards the gas pumps.

Would this scenario have taken place with both parties being civilians and not bound to any policy @Lewis Dragon would have most likely ended up dead, hence why the ish-part in the denial.
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