AR on Max/ Rest Morris

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The Netherlands
Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] Mikey/ Michelle Dutch
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Max/ Rest Morris
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:102020457

Why Should This Player Be Punished: I was getting my other car, when i arrived at the intersection, Max (OOC) Rest Morris (In-character name) ran a red light, he was probably helping a pedestrian to cross the highway but instead of navigating him to the under or over pass he gave the pedestrian a ride with his police car and then ran the red light without having a valid reason to do so. I wanted to make a report but there was no staff online.

Player broke rule 3.22, which states that:

Players should at all times drive on the correct side of the highway and should not perform unrealistic
maneuvers while driving along the highway, for example performing a U-turn or driving down the wrong off ramp.
In addition traffic laws must be obeyed while at the intersection, this includes stopping at red lights.
However if a player can provide reasonable proof that their life is in danger or they are being chased by the police they may disregard this rule.

Also rule 4.1 (Since he was Police officer):

Government employees must at all times follow the entirety of the law; government employees include Police Officers, SWAT Officers, the Police Lieutenant, Police Sergeants, Speed Enforcement, Paramedics, Firefighters, Road Crew Workers, the Mayor, and Secret Service Agents.

And rule 4.2 (Since he was police officer):

Government employees may violate traffic laws if responding to an emergency services call that is vitally time sensitive, and if doing so can be done without putting themselves or others at unreasonable risk.

Evidence (Demo Required):!oQ9nBYxL!BU3gzR1UDZqPX6qClXHf0HMIjr3YZD9U9wEeuvTw2gs
Tick: 65234

Police officer's name (You can't see his name in the demo so hereby the photo):
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I'll speak with the user when I next see him online.
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