AR on Max Roberts and Andrew Dean

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Superkiller2984 / Jack Morman

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
gaBn pl0x Beyonet D0bler / Max Roberts

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
DragonHD / Andrew Dean

His/Her SteamID:

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Yesterday when I became Police Officer, I went patrolling around the city and by the Slums apartment, I saw a Mini Cooper making a illegal U-turn so I proceeded to pull them over, ask why they decided to make the U-turn and I was going to ticket their vehicle, but once I began talking, Max Roberts went ahead and pulled a gun out on me and opened fired, shooting me until I went onto Red Screen. Breaking Rule 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk, The User also broke at the same time Rule 6.3 NPCs. As the NPC in the Gas Station could clearly see the shooting happen yet neither one of the players probably blind folded or dealt with the NPC.

After I was revived by a medic, I went ahead and radioed in for units to be on the lookout for a Red Mini Cooper for attempted murder of an Officer and just after I finished talking on the radio, I spotted their vehicle at the beach car park and I went ahead and pulled into the car park and also radioing in to inform I located the vehicle. Just as I got out of my cruiser, they drove off which lead to a short chase from the beach to city garage and back to beach. Once they stopped again, I went ahead and pulled out my firearm, (knowing that one had a pistol on them and used it to try and kill me) gunpointed the vehicle while shouting for them to stop the vehicle and get out but failed to do so which led to them breaking Rule 3.4 again.

Two officers also arrived on scene just as I was gun pointing the Mini Cooper and he did the same but the Mini Cooper still continued to drive off while under gunpoint, again, breaking Rule 3.4. Another chase commenced with them driving up to city garage and back down to beach again but this time, continuing on into the P.Pass, the vehicle eventually stopped at Gas Station and the driver got out and stood at the gas pump for about 2 seconds. (I'm presuming he went to fuel his car up) While he was doing that I gun pointed the driver, (who was Max Roberts) shouting at him to get on his knees but he completely ignored me and got back into his car and drove off, breaking Rule 3.4 yet again.

The chase ended in the P.Pass as me and the two officer brought his vehicle to a halt. One of the officers spiked the cars tyres so he had very little chance of escaping. The passenger (Who was Andrew Dean) got out of the vehicle and stood still for about 5 seconds, me and one of the officers gun pointed him telling him to get on his knees. While we were gun pointing him and commanding him to cooperate, he pulled out his gun while under gun point by me and attempted to shoot me, Andrew Dean clearly broke Rule 3.4 by pulling out that gun under gun point which led to his character's death, clearly showing he didn't have any value for his character's life whatsoever

After shooting Andrew Dean, we then focused on Max Roberts (Who was still in the car trying to escape) by gun pointing him but he didn't cooperate and attempted to run over one of the officers which led to his vehicle getting fully damaged and him nearly getting shot. Again he broke Rule 3.4 By not cooperating with us which almost led to him getting shot in the process. He was then detained by us and the situation was over.

So for a quick summary, both users broke Rule 3.4 multiple times which led to one of them being shot and killed in the process. As well as Max Robert who also broke Rule 6.3 by not dealing with the NPC.

And this is why I believe both players should be punished.

Evidence (Demo Required):!nQ8DjTgJ!kZNktAOX35h2Bj9D7s-wsedufpI2E9MxPzWkSepwRS0


  • 13000
  • 16300
  • 17700
  • 18700
I can actually see that u wanted to make me banned so badly by typing all of this lol.... And really it wasnt that risky that just a cop pulled me over and i opened my fire cause u didnt threatened me
[DOUBLEPOST=1458848914,1458847290][/DOUBLEPOST]A simple 'wrong' would've done just fine...
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Player has had two reports made against him for similar things (Max Robert) - Therefore will be receiving a 4 month ban for his actions. The other players will also be punished appropriately.

Thank you for your action request.​
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