AR on mitch johnson

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: itzryzo / Chaves Chains
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: DraftKing / Mitch Jones
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:78850148
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 2.5 and 3.4 by shooting me in public for starting a fight on me.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
@Brinch handled my report and @Exrobite saw it.

EDIT: Tagging @draftking since he is mitch for his response.
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If you make something like this please be sure to state all that happend before. It all started with everyone messing around with guns in the first plase over there. Then we started taking it seriously and it grew bigger and bigger until my friends couldnt stand it anymore. We were constantly annoyinh eachother in character which ended up in me punching you once. Which was my intention to leave it like that. Then you started punching me which i understand but you kept going to. I withdrew my gun and fired at you. I then ran of towards diffirent places and went to the car dealer. I then called my friend over who got the car and we drove off with no cops ever finding us.

When we get back to the bazaar you decide to take your gun inside bazaar main area and kill me.

As far as this goes my actions were reasonable. Plus i think if asked you to just stop multiple times though. And at the whole beginning Exrobite was there the whole situation and brinch handled your report about me which i did not hear from anyways.

EDIT: You can clearly also hear him call me a pussy and a broke ass nigger
[DOUBLEPOST=1485469037,1485464741][/DOUBLEPOST]As i cannot comment through my phone, You and i were both annoying eachother the time being there. in the beginning of your video you see me threaten you ofcourse. replied by you saying: No you wont you pussy. Then i said something around i will. Replied by you with broke ass nigger. I then punched you and backed off. You come to me and punch me multiple times (i would too) I then decided to take the gun and tell you to stop and threaten you once more and then run off and escape the whole scene. You ran off so i decided to shoot at you as i did that i run off got in a car and escaped. When i came back you decided to take a gun out at almost the same spot and kill me. (understandable as i shot at you) (And my plan when i cane back was to kill you because you reported us to the police and i heard it was clear)

Ok fair i dcd 30 or so minutes after to have dinner. Maybe thats why i didnt hear anything from it.
[DOUBLEPOST=1485470665][/DOUBLEPOST]As i stated i wasnt planning on killing you in first place,

1. We were both annoying eachother
2. I threatened you to stop
3. You insult me 2 times
4. I punched you once and backed off
5. You punch me multiple times ofcourse
6. I pull the gun to tell you to stop but you run away
7. I shoot at you because you ran away from my gp
8. I run away escape never hear anything from cops
9. I come to bazaar you take a gun and kill me.

The whole situation escalated more then it shouldve but as you might know you were pointing guns around at people there and insulting me in my friends.
1. The video starts
2. You hear me threaten you because of the insults before that / fights that may have occured between you and me/ you and my friends.

I punch you onse to warn. As said i punched you once and backed off you yet decide to punch me multiple times attempting to kill me. I take a wep yo threaten you anf you run off.

So me punching you because of insults is nothing wrong with.
You then punching me is normal too as in self defencr but you decide to keep on punching and attempting to kill me was something i didnt accept. If you self defence you can punch me back for doing it indeed but not attempting to smack me down. You couldve punched me once and awaited my actions.

EDIT also you know i threatened you because you ran after me punching me. because we got in a fight because of argues and me backing off and attempting to run away from you.

Lets solve this tommorow and let me see if i can get a demo.
[DOUBLEPOST=1485538255][/DOUBLEPOST]!P1pHiDAa!UEnN8Mf4aAlAJ683RwccY1-ChcRCj6gFzVCNdQkp5OI Here is my demo TICK 34764

You can see the whole situation,

There are scenes where he punched my friend and aimed a gun at alex i think his name was. Also scenes of him insulting me around 2 times and telling a random person at bazaar i mugged him.

Ticks of these scenes can be given too but i think this is enough to proof my actions were valid.


@draftking, after throwing the first punch in that isolated situation and not giving the complainant any warning to desist trying to shoot him is excessive.

User's will be punished for their actions.​
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