AR On naughtybear

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Your Steam/In-game Name: alejandro rojas
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Naughtybear
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:245556277
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player disconected during an active raid cause he almost died by wall bang i guess in order not to loose his gun plus in my demo shows errors everything and therefore i guess he also took drugs during raid without being certain

Evidence (Demo Required):

tick :in the beggining of the demo its like 1 min till raiding starts
For once I can agree with this AR. He did this to me the other day too. I killed him with a grenade and he left until his drugs were gone then rejoined. I don't have the time logs for this, but if you look for when I killed him with an impact grenade within the last few days you can view it then. I wasn't going to say anything as I assumed he was new but he clearly thinks this is acceptable.
For once I can agree with this AR. He did this to me the other day too. I killed him with a grenade and he left until his drugs were gone then rejoined. I don't have the time logs for this, but if you look for when I killed him with an impact grenade within the last few days you can view it then. I wasn't going to say anything as I assumed he was new but he clearly thinks this is acceptable.

The demo quite clearly shows him harvesting the drugs while you already entered the property. furthermore it shows that he user disconnected mid raid. His current ban shall be extended for this.
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