AR on Ozain

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Reaction score
Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name: Sonzy/Pedur Wolf

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Hue/Johnny Richards, Ozain/Ossie Barnaby.

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:43305893 (Hue), didn't get the other.

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 2.5, killed me for literally no reason other than (i assume) storing my gun.

Evidence (Demo Required):!Ol1xwYpR!kPKSTAt5hwA069qybBNJCHN2V5NtkdBT5ia7lUvMpNA

Tick: N/A, need some kind soul to look through and find when they start gunpointing me, i can't load any demos at all.
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You stored your friends gun even tho your friend died with it in a raid, when I came back to collect it. There wasn't a gun because you stored it. You died because we thought u had hidden the gun and then wouldn't tell us where. In all u shouldn't have stored it so shortly after as it resulted in your death. To me it seems like u broke 3.4 under our gun point. I think you should of role-played the situation if you stored it.

I understand you assumed they were gone, but just make sure next time that the apartment is clear when you decide to take a gun Sonzy.

Considering there are many circumstances that could have resulted in the gun disappearing, for example, his friend DC'd/timed out, and you weren't sure if he picked it up, you should not have really shot him, 'Hue'.

User will be punished for his actions.
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