AR on Poxier

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Itzryzo / Samuel Smithson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:

His/Her SteamID: Above
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Picked drugs while being shot at, died very shortly after picking them.
Evidence (Demo Required):

No, what actually happened was that I lockpicked myself into a bazaar shop when no one was around. I secured the shop and started picking up the plants. I harvested THREE of the FOUR planters that were there before I started hearing noises just outside the shop. I raised my gun and sure enough a person opened the front door and entered the building. I tried to have him put his hands up but he failed to do so within a reasonable time period, so I had to kill him as his friend had now moved to the back door and was opening it. After that I exchanged a couple of bullets with his friend before leaving the shop through the back door. This is when I was killed.

At no point did I harvest any drugs while "being shot at". I didn't even touch the last remaining planter after gunshots had been fired as I tried to make my exit instead. Why didn't you upload a demo of me "picking up drugs while being shot at"? That's because there isn't one, I didn't.
I think it's a little silly that the defendant needs to prove if he's guilty or not. It should go the other way around in my opinion, the plaintiff should provide the evidence that proves the other party guilty. I'll however upload the demo soon, I just need to find it.
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