AR on Riekelt

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Mage / Nadine Kennedy
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Riekelt / Michelle Bowman (?)
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39003753
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Driving around with the SWAT Van as if it is a bloody tank and hes invincible to everything. He for a good 2 minutes had no intention of leaving and kept on trying to run over suspects with heavy weapons when we had him at gunpoint multiple times and even at one point setup a roadblock with 6 people gun pointing him and he just smashed through and drove off as if nothing happened. Also apparently now after the weapon update 99mm guns can't even disable the damn van. Anyway we finally hid inside after we had a chance because no more cops were coming and then when the SWAT raided morons they died anyway. You might have to fly around the demo or request demo from some other people involved aswell.
Evidence (Demo Required): This should work
Tick: Starts at 37000 (slightly ahead of that tick)

Tagging some people probably with demos/involved @D3luX @Nade Alardin @Stormzi @Adrish @Cllser
As a witness, i saw this all go down and at one point, around 8 people gunpointed them telling them to get out of the vehicle which they then proceeded to back into the car dealer and then attempted to ram, so i + SUPPORT.
I was involved. And yes this was totally unrealistic. More than 6 people were gunpointing the Van, and i even used 6-10 mags on spraying it. And the only thing they were doing, was sitting in the stupid van, and trying running people over while driving around, and sometimes holding still. Realistically a van wouldnt even hold 100-200 bullets. And way more were fired on the Van, included heavy rounds of sniper bullets. Plus it was ramming down people, through road blocks and into buildings.
If demo needed ill check it out, and post it.
Alright, listen up here.

If you are going to jump aboard the "omfgz unrealistic" train, do you mind explaining to my why all of you were standing around the business area with guns out, shooting people like you're playing Call of Duty? That was not you guys being criminals, that was you guys being blood thirsty animals thinking they're playing the new Modern Warfare. If you wanted realistic play, you should've gotten into your car, and high-tailed it out of there in fear of your life.

I had no other choice but to use my vehicle as a weapon, and you know that very damn well, if I had gotten out of that car, I would not have lasted a second. Officers were still on the scene at the time, and they were in grave danger, I used my vehicle to assist them and in the process eliminating suspects, yes, this had to be done with force with an armored vehicle.

As it was stated by @Cole in an admin situation after the whole shootout itself, the vehicle is disabled when the gamemode detects it has taken too much damage. When we ran through the barricade, with an, I admit, very very enlightened attitude, the car was already smoking, and we went to get a new van to return to the Moron shipping to and attempt to eliminate the threat to both officers and the public.

Yet, there you still were, camping, whilst you could have used at least 10 minutes to evade the scene. Yet again, forcing me to use my vehicle to get me and my coworker (who was stranded at Morron shipping co) to safety.

I returned to the Police Department, re-assembled my SWAT team for as far as was possible, and returned in a failed attempt to secure the scene.
Alright, listen up here.

If you are going to jump aboard the "omfgz unrealistic" train, do you mind explaining to my why all of you were standing around the business area with guns out, shooting people like you're playing Call of Duty? That was not you guys being criminals, that was you guys being blood thirsty animals thinking they're playing the new Modern Warfare. If you wanted realistic play, you should've gotten into your car, and high-tailed it out of there in fear of your life.

I had no other choice but to use my vehicle as a weapon, and you know that very damn well, if I had gotten out of that car, I would not have lasted a second. Officers were still on the scene at the time, and they were in grave danger, I used my vehicle to assist them and in the process eliminating suspects, yes, this had to be done with force with an armored vehicle.

As it was stated by @Cole in an admin situation after the whole shootout itself, the vehicle is disabled when the gamemode detects it has taken too much damage. When we ran through the barricade, with an, I admit, very very enlightened attitude, the car was already smoking, and we went to get a new van to return to the Moron shipping to and attempt to eliminate the threat to both officers and the public.

Yet, there you still were, camping, whilst you could have used at least 10 minutes to evade the scene.
This is where im asking you, why were you not fleeing from the area then while over more than 10 people with heavy guns were chasing you, to kill you because you have been shooting at us. Instead of keep driving around in the area and getting heavy shot at. I will still claim, i never seen anything more unrealistic of all time i've been playing on PerpHeads.
This is where im asking you, why were you not fleeing from the area then while over 10 people with heavy guns were chasing you, to kill you because you have been shooting at us. I will still claim, i never seen anything more unrealistic of all time i've been playing on PerpHeads.

Because it was my duty to get the other officers out of the area, and assist them in taking back control of the situation.

You however, had no obligation to stay there either by law or by rules, and in my opinion you people were the ones in the wrong here, especially thinking you can eliminate a SWAT van with a cute little white Tesla.
do you mind explaining to my why all of you were standing around the business area with guns out, shooting people like you're playing Call of Duty?

Because the whole police force was responding? Everyone was scattered around the business area and saw cops responding, so they were dealt with accordingly, oh and lets be honest here, the cops had 9mm pistols against 10+ people armed with snipers and rifles, once they were swept out we pissed off anyway.

ou should've gotten into your car, and high-tailed it out of there in fear of your life
That's exactly what we did once the scene was clear and you decided to fuck off with your tank, we didn't know whether you were gonna get out and shoot us or just drive off, yet you did neither, you were literally insane.

I used my vehicle to assist them and in the process eliminating suspects,
More like, you attempted to, you only ran over 1 person and in the process also killed your own officer, so much for "assisting" your police force.

the vehicle is disabled when the gamemode detects it has taken too much damage
Let's not be silly here, we all know that the SWAT van was not intended to do what you did with it, you attempted to run multiple people over and crashed into walls which is why it was damaged, not by the bullets. I'm pretty sure considering before the update, 99mm snipers are more likely to disable your pile of shit, yet you played it off as if we were shooting bb guns at you.

Yet, there you still were, camping, whilst you could have used at least 10 minutes to evade the scene.
Read the AR you pleb, we literally drove off the moment you finally decided to fuck off in your van. We were outside for no longer than 5-6 minutes

Let's be honest, stop trying to use us as a scapegoat for your actions because you seemingly can't seem to find an excuse for your idiotic actions. You would've drove off immediately after running those guys over at docks (I assume you did considering OOC) if you so knew you had no chances of surviving if you got out the van, and you would be back at PD waiting for more cops considering they got plowed within seconds of responding.
As it was stated by @Cole in an admin situation after the whole shootout itself, the vehicle is disabled when the gamemode detects it has taken too much damage.
obviously not, swat van getting shot by aks, m4's, SR's and barrett's the car didn't take any damage so its broken. You knew that it wouldn't take damage thats why you exploited it and kept driving away from gunpoint and your excuse was its an armoured vehicle. Realistically an armoured vehicle cant withstand that much damage from automatic rifles and snipers.
the swat van is actually capable of taking more then that and there was a video i saw once on youtube which showed it take a normal non anti tank RPG and still be able to drive around further more even if the van is mobilized like all the tiers get shot off or the engine blown out it can still keep its occupants alive and safe for sometime.

Just because you shot it with the strongest gun you have does not mean it should die besides why did you even go back inside like nothing happened when you should have fled the area ? if it was not for the rest of the swat team and like 6 officers going off the force you would have been killed when you got raided again or you would have been stuck in there till you are dead or out of ammo so i don't see the point of you making an AR when you your self did not follow the rules by risking your life and going back inside with a lot of bodys laying around and on your property and with a good number of officers that were still alive to re raid you.

As far as i can see @Riekelt did not do anything wrong, he used the swat van in both a way it was designed for (to protect him while he drives under fire and stay alive and not to die) and used it to its limits that he saw it was able to go to and when it was damaged he fled the area so he does not get stuck and killed, repaired it got ammo and medical attention and then went back out to re raid the property.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the SWAT Van's invulnerability to small arms fire is hard coded in the weapon code.

if (traceRes.Entity:GetModel() != "models/perp2.5/swat_van.mdl") then
    ...Vehicle Damage Calculations...

This would put this in the field of utilising intended gamemode design, rather than unrealistic exploiting.
I decided to turn this into a annotated video so that its easier for staff to see, demos can be a pain to watch and figure out whats happening, I agree with the AR so the annotations will be one sided but I tried to point out things which could be relevant.


For all those trying to change it onto "why didn't you leave" the people in the demo did actually change bases twice (Moron CO to Parker then Farm). They could not leave during the shootout as it would put them at risk if they left to their new base and the SWAT team followed/identified them for other cops.
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Here you opened fire at me for saying "shut the fuck up" and driving around morons (i was involved but no evidence for you)


please show me your view from your demo im pretty sure you opened fire at me.

Here you opened fire at me for saying "shut the fuck up" and driving around morons (i was involved but no evidence for you)


please show me your view from your demo im pretty sure you opened fire at me.
You're not really showing the full thing there, if you did, then you would see that you were told once by me to leave, you reverse onto the crime scene once again, when I tell you to leave again after that, you insult me, at that point I decided to arrest you, after which you fled again, hence why I considered you a threat.
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