I was the person being arrested at the time, as you officers were fully aware my car had been wanted for sniping officers. You came up to the base and said that I had been "Driving recklessly" not stating the real reason you were after me. Thomas knew very well what I was wanted for even you did however you didn't say this until we got to the PD. Furthermore my car wasn't used since my car was shot at and no officers had seen me "Driving recklessly" and Thomas has been with me all the time he was fully aware that I was being arrested for sniping officers beside you failing to state that for this reason he shot you it wasn't over "Driving recklessly as you falsely stated. Also you would not have taken us into the PD for investigation if it was purely bad driving even after I admitted it he knew and you knew the real reason for my arrest which is why he killed you in an attempt to stop me from getting the 9 years hat I ended up getting.
Since i was here and survived the situation, i'll point out the "weird" parts here and there.
"Thomas knew very well what I was wanted" Okay, since he already knew you were wanted how about the 6-8 other people that were heavily armed, that left as we cuffed you and the other dude? If what you claim here is true, where is the logic in all your friends driving off, knowing your being arrested while wanted. The only guy that stayed, attempted to save you using a pistol, when you could've easily had all those people there to help you, but i guess they didn't know huh?
"Also you would not have taken us into the PD for investigation if it was purely bad driving" No relevance at all, you can't just kill police officers because you think that they're doing their duties wrong or because you think that no police officers like to investigate bad drivers.
"hat I ended up getting." Here's the thing; i don't know why this isn't in the AR, but is it really realistic, to alone pull a gun on 2 police officers, baring in mind that he'd just seen almost the entire police force, swat included respond to my panic. The SWAT were not too far away from my understanding, so if he'd actually killed the both of us, he'd have no chance of escaping in a car that goes what, 40mph?
TLDR; it's pretty obvious by the fact that you told literally all the heavily armed people to "not worry" (basically telling them to leave without you) clearly shows that you completely thought you were getting arrested for a simple driving in fracture. This is reinforced by the fact that when he shot us, you claimed you had no idea why he shot us, and agreed with me that it was a stupid move.
If i'm wrong, please tell me the tactical advantage to letting all your armed friends go in their supercars, and leaving the 1 dude alone with a pistol and shit car to kill the 2 cops