AR on Tyrone Johnsson

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: [DPA] Cyka Blyater / Sam Ireland
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unknown / Tyrone Johnsson
His/Her SteamID: Unknown
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5 I walk outside of slums apartments as he drives up, he jumps out of the car and says on the ground, without giving me any chance to get on the ground (or for him to finish the word ground even) he shoots me.

More information is required from both sides. What happened before Tyrone arrived at the scene, and what motive did Tyrone have?
@TheDrunkenRage and @Samsterminator please reply with more information about the situation.

A suggestion would be to add the demo​
Alright let's do this.

Me and my friend tyson were messing around in the city without anything to do really, so it got boring real quick. Then we saw a blue mazda park outside slums. Ofcourse the first thing that popped into our heads were to pay the owner a visit. We went into slums and found out that only slums 1 was owned. We knocked on the door but no response so we opened it up with our bumkey (bobby's and shizzle). We went in and notice that it was completely empty, quite an insult when we came all this way to visit him. We got a little upset and tought, fuck it let's take his car instead. So i was in the parking lot doing my magic while tyson was up on the road keeping watch, i did this 2 times, the first time cops came and i killed them because i was wanted and i was armed. I had been shot on before by the cops. But the second time i got away with the car and tyson jumped in before we dashed around town and then straight towards the forest. We got down from the highway, nothing more to it. We drove onto the dirt road and we turned right to drive into farm.

(Here is the REAL reason i killed them)

So i drive into farm and i see this red car, we are all friendly and shit but they jump out and start pointing guns at us. And to our suprise it was apparently his car. We got out of the car and we had some pretty bad stuff on us. They mugged us for everything and humiliated us beyond repair. One of the guys tied me to the tanker on the side of the farm and tyson got tied a little further back from me so i could not see him properly. Well i was sitting there thinking about a revenge plan when tyson broke free of his roped handcuffs and came to the rescue. He untied me and we ran across the farm, thinking it's safer than the road. We jump the fence and as we are going towards the storage we see those two and Matt Grand's Buggati. Now this part is a little blurry, but i remember (Ludus i think his OOC name is) Holding a rifle and there was a moaning dead guy right next to him, i didn't see him kill that poor soul but at the time it only looked straight up murder-ish. So me and tyson had enough, we ran boiiii. We ran past church with our luck they didn't see us, i ran up to my apartment (I owned Regal 3) and i told Tyson to get my car.

He goes and get's my beatiful whip and i get my beatiful piece. An SR-25. You can tell that i was pissed, but i remained calm. I grab my baby gurl and i run down to the car, i put the gun in the trunk incase something unfortunate would have happened. We drove on the highway and stopped on the suburbs ramp, we looked down. Nothing but the poor guy that i guess they have killed. We get into my car and we drive, first towards the hardware store and the city garage, nothing, we then drive to the PD and taa daa, there is my prey. I get out of my car, pulled out my SR and the first bullet misses, (i cried a little) The second bullet hits him right in the heart! We drive up towards his corpse and out of the door i see the other guy that tied me up at the farm and laughed while he left me in shame.

He ran out as you can see in his own video with his gun out, i saw a little cute handgun in his hans which he was quick to put away. Now when i watched his video i was going to die, it was so fucking funny how i ran out and said "get down on th" BOOM! I don't know why i said get down, i guess it was my humane side trying to get me to spare his life, but the devil on my shoulder won this round. I hopped out of my car and i still had the SR on me, so with no other choice of weapon on me at the time i took the SR out and shot one bullet while it was on my hip, i hit him in the head and ended a sad chapter in my life (All RP ofcourse). So NO i did not RDM him, he is just mad that he got killed. That's my side of the story.
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