AR on Vlady

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Reaction score
Nottingham, England
Your Steam/In-game Name: Joey

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Vlady Putinush

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:48518748

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
3.4, 2.5- player risked his life to hit a hostage taker with a bat whilst there was no association with anyone involved. This lead to his death.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: Not applicable
Since I was directly involved in this, I'll give my input.
Pretty much, I was going around with Vlady for a good 30mins to an hour at this point and when I was going down to Projex and saw it (leading to the hostage sit), you had a gun pointed at me and Vlady went behind you and tried to bat you down, In my eyes they didn't risk their life. They tried to defend their mate getting taken hostage however the bats are so trash (vlady being at strength 5 lol what) did not manage to kill you before you turned around and shot them.
There was no good reason for him to risk his life to save a government official especially when he didn’t even have a gun.
He had a weapon, does not matter what weapon but he had one and he tried to save his mates life however failed even though you were hit several times (lol wtf). I don’t see how he risked his life.
Accepted, user will be spoken to regarding their actions
Thank you for your input @Josef
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