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@SatoshiAaron You kept asking me to 'Free Tony'. I don't have tony and you can see I don't. You decided to protest for an improper Reason. You shot over pushing you with my nightstick to get out of the situation as you were body blocking me... @Racxes had punched me, therefore, using a nightstick is within policy. Make an IA If you feel I used excessive force. You clearly were just minging. As for Vlady, I believe he/she is Forum banned, therefore, Can't respond, but it's self-explanatory that they broke the rules.
@Jimmy Jackson Tony was being arrested. Whether it was your doing or not it was occurring. You began hitting Racxes before he even touched you so thats crock mate. I personally believe that the problem here is that you failed to properly participate in a fun and eventful RP sit appropriately
@Jimmy Jackson Tony was being arrested. Whether it was your doing or not it was occurring
So Tony was being arrested so you made a protest? which would have gotten no where, You shot me instead of attempting a jail break? You didn't even break him out, let alone I don't even think he was being arrested as he was hiding as you can see in the video, I was checking apartments. Blocking a officer when being told to move and causing a public nuciance and pushing a officer means you can get pushed with the nightstick. you should not have shot me at all as it didn't benefit you nor did it help you what so ever in 'Rescuing' Tony.

Simple way to sum this AR up

everyone will receive a verbal warning next time this happens you will receive a ban.
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