AR on Zharkan16

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Bertie *TRADING* // Bertie Bennett
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Amy Zharkan // Zharkan16
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:71890489
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Decided it was a good idea to grab my pistol mid bank raid with multiple people shooting around the swat officer and then the swat died moments later.
Evidence (Demo Required):

If a mod could check logs to see that the swat did in fact die seconds later please. This happened @ 6:10PM, 10th Aug
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This AR is completley wrong as I confiscated the gun way before I got killed as the bank WAS clear until I got sniped from REGALS so I don't get your point where I did die yes I died AFTER confiscating your weapon! <3 nice try trolling! :) you been targeting me all day
[DOUBLEPOST=1470810383,1470809959][/DOUBLEPOST]Plus your video is full of lies again as that black car was not "backup" as u claim! That moment it was all clear that car escaped and we all were clear the ur "backup" sniped us way after i confiscated the pistol so show full proof or stop lying :)- [EDIT]About that I made checks with the PD turns out I was still correct and wrong! that black car was backup but were killed so I didn't confiscate it while there were backup so yeah! Nice try!
[DOUBLEPOST=1470812965][/DOUBLEPOST]nope! that is a 100% lie and I have proof :) because I entered the bank it was empty a guy killed the "backup" and I have proof of him saying so then everyone was dead and u didnt have anyone on the roof as there was an officer all that was left was ur sniper from regals so the bank was clear when I confiscated it then I entered the bank was empty then I got sniped!
@Rogue I don't know how to upload a demo and I told bean can to teach me all he said was If its needed he will call me i read the demo forum help it doesn't help me =/ But I have proof!
[DOUBLEPOST=1470840975,1470840723][/DOUBLEPOST]So it doesn't auto record??
[DOUBLEPOST=1470841199][/DOUBLEPOST]James you told me the same thing last time I already told you I don't know how you said if its needed you will call me! You never called me or taught me how! I mentioned that the forums doesn't help =/ I can't understand
I'm just going to point something out here.


Did you not notice that you were not involved in the bank raiding? You shouldn't really have a reason to shoot the officers anyway.

[DOUBLEPOST=1470846197,1470843607][/DOUBLEPOST]Pending (again)

Can I get another perspective? @Bean Can @Adrish and other people (tag if you can). There isn't a sufficient amount atm You have 24 hours.
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also your in your Demo... The "backup" wasn't backup at that time as they left the area and returned 2 minutes later and got killed so your point is invalid! And I'd know that because due to the logs they died 2 minutes after MY death which means at the time where I did confiscate your gun the area was clear
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