AR Request for Jona Darena

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: STEAM_0:0:20067463, Simon Fellton
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jona Darena
His/Her SteamID: N/A - I don't know his Steam Name. Edit:STEAM_0:1:54694965, found from another AR. They are currently banned for another offence.
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Used deceptive and dirty tricks to fool and lie to my Superior Officer, an Enforcer and a Moderator, showing disrespect to the entire concept of PerpHeads as a whole. Also, the very actions that led to the situation could be considered unrealistic in every sense of the word, considering how much attention they had from the police force.
Evidence (Demo Required): Uncompressed: 21-48-20.dem?dl=0
Mildly Compressed:

Setting the scene:

The occupants of Regals 3 had been generally unrealistic and causing many 911 calls due to the violence and guns used. This lead to the Police Lt. calling the occupant "special", and essentially going down the "boy who cried wolf" route and telling us to ignore most of them.

Most of these 911 calls were considered hoaxes, so it was important to catch them in the act. We suspect that they are initiating "raids" on themselves in order to attract attention.

I decided to go down the subtle path and sent my partner away in my car while I stay behind and watched from above, to find out what was happening. Then suddenly, an alarm starts and a man comes out with shooting, slander, lies and disrespect...

The Significant Ticks:

  • 7700 - The lone guard watches from above, when suddenly, an alarm goes off!
  • 8150 - Door opens, enter Jona, who fires his pistol.
  • 8300 - A Donavon Sister says: "What are you **** doing Jona?", in response to his irresponsible actions mentioned in the previous tick.
  • 9500 - Door opens again, after request of the PPD.
  • 9800 - I arrest the man I recognise from before
  • 14000 onwards - Jona then proceeds to lie again, and again about shooting his weapon
  • Much later, Jona again insists that no bullets were fired to the Moderator Sgt. James and Enforcer Bean Can.

It is possible that the accused did not actually lie during description, if he did swap over magazines to hide that he was missing a bullet. However, the fact he refused to admit his actions in front of two representatives from the staff team should speak to his respect for the community.

If he was a truly wanted to obey the rules, and not just cause trouble, he would not have come close to breaking rules 1.1, 1.3 and 2.1. Furthermore, he would have used LOOC to confirm his deceit through in character actions, rather than attempt to continue this deceit out of character.

I do not believe for a second that this man had any intention of obeying the exact letter of the rules, let alone to the spirit of them. His shear arrogance and disregard for the community rules led to this situation, and I know from experience, will lead to many more.

My apologise for the use of binoculars in the demo, making viewing difficult in some circumstances. The apologies are also extended to the lack of name and odd colourings, in the screenshots, I am not as good as I used to be at making demos easy to view.

Thanks for consideration of my action report.

Edit: STEAM_0:1:54694965, found from another AR. They are currently banned for another offence.
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Hey mate again, could you do a couple of things for me again.

  • Upload your demo to a different site.
  • Briefly explain what rules he broke so I know what to look for.
He basically did two things: Lying to in an admin sit, and potentially lying in /desc.

The issue in the admin sit was that I had no proof that he was lying in the admin sit, and this demo was the proof.

There is no rule that specifically states these two things, however I believe they both would fall under Rule 1.1.

Not sure what's wrong with DB, but here's a mega version:!zY9ziJxK!PETF5X7seujXYbt7aiNRuwXovd0PKV6CXnKdHf7YcDA

Apologies for the delay in handling this, and thank you very much for your patience. Generally, ARs with youtube evidence are handled faster as it is so much more concise; I'd like to recommend to you @TinySlayer.

Jona did indeed put his life at risk for no good reason, and was (essentially) trolling (sections 2.1/3.4 of the rules).

He was also deceitful when explaining his side of the story to an administrator, which is unacceptable, and as he has done this before according to his ban record he will be permanently banned.
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