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Your Steam/In-game Name: Philip
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Skudist
His/Her SteamID: Dunno
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.22 drove on the wrong side of the highway.
@Fryes (witness)
From what I understood during the whole situation they were in an ongoing police chase thus the necessity to chase the suspects on the opposite side of the highway.
Or the officer parked his car like that when going a foot pursuit of the suspects because otherwise he would be blocked by the wall.
He was clearly visible in the car (officer) and with no lights,sirens or hazard lights. Im going to support this until new evidence contridicts my statements

I have been told now that in demos you can't see lights and that they were on. You should have been paying more attention so it's now -Support.
My point of view. A cadallic was escaping from the police due to a ticket. they stepped out, ran on the highway on the wrong side of the road. I had to chase them right there. My lights and sirens were on. Suddenly I crashed into a blue vehicle which ignored the lights (9.7). Which was philip. I offered him to refund the car damages but he was not interested. Including I was as left as it was possible to avoid any heavy car accidents.
After the incident you were heavily slandering. (1.3, you are only allowed to do such accusations in a ban/action request).
Right, as you can tell from the video, the sirens are on by the flashing lightbar therefore indicating a pursuit. The officer can disregard 3.22 to an extent where other civilians are safe and sound, this is completely your fault by driving into him. The officer had done nothing wrong, nor has he broken 4.1.
This AR is a result of you being blind.
If you call my statement slander, the video is solid evidence.
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Right, as you can tell from the video, the sirens are on by the flashing lightbar therefore indicatin a pursuit. The officer can disregard 3.22 to an extent where other civilians are safe and sound, this is completely your fault by driving into him. The officer had done nothing wrong, nor has he broken 4.1.
This AR is a result of you being blind.
If you call my statement slander, the video is solid evidence.
I never said he broke 4.1, he broke 3.22, please read the rule.
11.9 Handling the Pursuit of a Suspect(s)

When pursuing a suspect, LEOs must take the utmost caution to ensure the safety of any nearby members of the public, the safety of the suspect, and the safety of fellow LEOs.

Force may only be used if the suspect(s) is at risk of escaping, is posing a direct threat to other person(s) and/or is believed to be intent on harming any other such person(s) (appropriate evidence, as defined under section 10.4, must have been obtained when acting on such a belief).

Therefore it is a breakage of 4.1 seing as he disregarded the laws and brought a civilian's life in danger.

He may have been pursuing a suspect but you still have to take any civilians life into consideration. The law states that you need to be able to ensure the safety of any nearby members of the public which he clearly did not. And seing as he chased him for a "ticket" he brought a civilians life in danger OVER A TICKET. +Support

You still should've payed attention though. His lights were on. Both of you should be punished.
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3.22 Highway Driving- Players should at all times drive on the correct side of the highway and should not perform unrealistic
maneuvers while driving along the highway, for example performing a U-turn or driving down the wrong off ramp.
In addition traffic laws must be obeyed while at the intersection, this includes stopping at red lights.
However if a player can provide reasonable proof that their life is in danger or they are being chased by the police they may disregard this rule.
Police may disregard this rule if someone else's life is at risk, including the suspect's life. Which means that 3.22 was never broken.
If you tell me to read a rule, how about you read it yourself? And maybe start thinking of the consequences that follow when a suspect is risking his own life driving the wrong way for example or driving dangerously close to pavements, etc.
Ok im gonna tag @Chris here as he is really good at the rules and laws.
And because I fail to make you understand that this is breaking 3.22
So many people seems to be thinking that the police may disregard any law in the Paralake Law-set when they are in a chase. This is NOT TRUE.

4.1 Follow the Law- Government employees must at all times follow the entirety of the law; government employees include Police Officers, SWAT Officers, the Police Lieutenant, Police Sergeants, Speed Enforcement, Paramedics, Firefighters, Road Crew Workers, the Mayor, and Secret Service Agents.

4.2 Disregard Traffic Laws- Government employees may violate traffic laws if responding to an emergency services call that is vitally time sensitive, and if doing so can be done without putting themselves or others at unreasonable risk.

This means that they may only disobey Traffic Laws and not any other law. Traffic laws are defined udner Section 9 of the paralake laws.

11.9 Handling the Pursuit of a Suspect(s)

When pursuing a suspect, LEOs must take the utmost caution to ensure the safety of any nearby members of the public, the safety of the suspect, and the safety of fellow LEOs.

Force may only be used if the suspect(s) is at risk of escaping, is posing a direct threat to other person(s) and/or is believed to be intent on harming any other such person(s) (appropriate evidence, as defined under section 10.4, must have been obtained when acting on such a belief).

Seing as 11.9 is NOT a traffic law, nor under section 9 in the Paralake laws this law may NOT be disobeyed. Now to the point:
When pursuing a suspect, LEOs must take the utmost caution to ensure the safety of any nearby members of the public, the safety of the suspect, and the safety of fellow LEOs.
Of course he needs to ensure the safety of the suspect but bringing many more civilian lifes in to danger is worse than a suspect getting killed. The officer risked to have several cars ram in to him and start a huge traffic accident. Luckily the white car reacted.

I Still think that the blue car's driver takes part in this and ahs a responsibility but the officer broke rule 4.1 by disregarding a law that may not be disregarded.
He was still considered an aggressive suspect, he was still running away and he was using a vehicle that could easily kill someone. Either way he was blocking the road, which prevented further injury to an officer and a suspect that was running on the highway. The suspect was risking both his life and the officer's life by forcing him to chase him. If you can't realize that running on a highway is highly dangerous (as normally highways are highly populated and busy roads) then something is clearly wrong with you.

Another thing I want to mention is that, traffic laws are the only thing that may be disregarded along with multiple others such as 1.2 if sweet-talking a suspect to stop won't help where as scaring them would be final resort.
A firearm may be drawn in this situation due to the dangers he's putting the officers to.
Skudist had all the right to stop on the side of the road, if he hadn't you could of have rammed into the perp running on the highway, or far worse. Killed an officer. Leading to a 5 year sentence for law 9.12.

As you can see in the video, a civilian was forced to hop onto the side of the road due to your "fantastic" driving and navigation. You're the one at fault here, not the officer.

If you list any law that could prove me wrong, I can prove your statement wrong.
@John Daymon
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If the officer was stopped and facing the other way the outcome would have been the same because seemingly OP was driving with his eyes closed.


It doesn't matter what way he was facing the accident was still your fault. Maybe you should be pointing your accusations at the suspects who ran down the highway over a ticket causing the officer to be on the wrong side of the road rather than the officer who was simply attempting to stop them.
I already talked about the situation in-game but we can talk about it here also.

Even though the other man's life was in danger, he should've took steps in to protecting citizens from crashing. Now even though he had his lights, does not make him do what he wants. Although he went to save the other man's life, he should look out for himself's and other citizens. He took no precautions as in like ATLEAST putting up some cones, he immediately just went to save the man. Even though it is his duty to save civilians, then it's his own duty to save others around him and take safety precautions in order accidents don't happen. He was also stuck so what was the point of parking there? I find that really stupid how he was jammed with the wall and didn't really care?

I support this, next time he should've took precautions and did not just stand there to say "Don't jump off" or whatever he said
He shouldn't have stayed there, no but come on, in a heated situation you really do not think straight. Like in this AR we have time to analyze what he did wrong, what he should of have done etc. but in that situation he thought that it would be better go to the opposite side of the highway to talk to the jaywalkers to probably save their lives. He also stack to the wall so there can be no crashes happening but he didn't think about the careless drivers (like you) who wouldn't pay attention at all. Answer this philip: If skudist was facing the opposite direction meaning that he would be in the correct lane of the highway, would you have seen him earlier to avoid the crash? You had 3 seconds to just turn a bit left or pull your breaks. Even with a 200 ping you would be able to react. Now you will tell me, "But he wasn't stopped, he was going forwards". Yes he was but if he was reversing? Still the same thing isn't it? You broke law 9.12 by not paying attention at the road and you learned your lesson. Do not be so salty will you?
The officer was just doing his job.

User only broke rules in the interest of helping others and preserving their lives. This is exactly why 3.21 (Running on the highway) was added, if a staff member would've have answered his report, this would never have happened. I apologise for our lack of response (And if we did respond, for the speed on the report).

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