AR: Sonnich

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Your Steam/In-game Name: CJay - Krede Ballade
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Citizen Sonnich ?
Not entirely sure, since my demo just writes loading, instead of the players name. Youseff wrote this in the chat to me:
CJay Player was killed by Citizen Sonnich (Glock 20) 2016-03-14 17:10:46
Maybe his name can be found in the log?
His/Her SteamID: N/A
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
I was just buying burgers in Freds Bakery at the suburbs, when this guy casually walks in and liquidates me, without saying a word.
When I report it to Youseff, he begins to lie about the situation. First he said I was trying to kidnap him, then it was someone else who tried to kidnap him, and then I apparently died in a crossfire between him and someone else. Which it not true at all, he just walked in and shot me for no reason, I have never seen this player before.
Evidence (Demo Required):!qlxRhDLJ!jCJEXu1xfxLg3QdrtA1tELlugTiWudwgdyyZ0IWtjlQ

Tick: 11879 & His side of the story: 29000
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South Wales, United Kingdom
After reviewing the evidence provided it is clear the user broke the following rules.

Rule 2.5:
The user randomly walked up to you and pulled out a gun to shoot you which happend (correct me if wrong please.)

Rule 6.3:
The user killed the persob in sight of a Npc and seemed not to care about that.

Rule 3.4
User killed the person in a public area where many people could have been aswell as a Npc being in the area could have called the police.

Rule 2.1:
It was unrealistic to walk in the shop for no reason and shoot the person.

this is all i can really see please correct me if any are wrong and fill me in on any rules i missed but yes +Supporting this.
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