AR tyla + hazza

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Moon/Jack Bingo
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Tyla Jai/hazza22223223333322223322
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56687120/STEAM_0:0:55994582

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Tyla being a complete minge propclimbing to our base - multipe times,saying "hello bingo" No intention to RP)
also hazza + tyla breaking 2.5 + 3.4 molotiving office for no little reason + crowbaring my car unarmed which led to his death also when i just went in perp i was walking they were talking to me i ignored them and they decided to run me over intentionally and take my ak47 which i don't really care but targeting is just on point., and also here hazza admitting to target me just to add also 1.1 being complete toxic and troll in OOC so basically let me get my org crowbar a car unarmed,wait for one of them to die and molotov the guy house? doesnt work like this buddy

Evidence (Demo Required):

never learn more mingefest have to deal with this in basic perp day 24/7 target
not following laws as RC,ivgeni tells him "repair" at 0:10 yet hes towing the car,but when i come back he says "ohh i thought u wanted a tow" so it took you basically 10seconds to say that word? just so when i come ill hear it? keep minging dude then more bullshit 500$ per hit ha,what a meme
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  1. It was an admin that physgunned me into your base to test if a bug has been fixed.
  2. It is not 2.5 as your organisation killed Harry's best friend and he witnessed it and I asked an admin to check if it was okay to do.
  3. You weren't run over intentionally, that was an accident as you ran out into the car park without looking causing you to get absolutely smonkered, we called an ambulance for you.
  4. There is no evidence of 1.1 or 'being toxic' in OOC please do not slander us.

I am afraid this is NOT the case. Tyla attempted to steal your car which resulted in him being shot. I witnessed this as I was parked in his vehicle in the taxi place so I told his relative that the people inside your base shot him. This culminated into us firebombing your base to get our revenge due to your disgraceful actions.

The running over incident
This was actually an accident on Tom Hill's behalf and Tyla took the opportunity to take your gun.

Me saying "don't care it's funny"
Nothing wrong with me finding humour in your dismay at me aggressively roleplaying with you. I am NOT a toxic troll and I will not tolerate these actions. If these accusations continue I will make an action request for 1.3 slander.

It was an admin that physgunned me into your base to test if a bug has been fixed.
1 Who is the admin?
2 and why were you sitting on a chair then?
3. why our base?

Also this is not the first time my org memebers told me you were prop surfing up to our base to screenshot drugs?

[The Avengers - De Baron El Bingo] Jack Bingo: did anyone get more evidence?
[The Avengers - De Baron El Bingo] Jack Bingo: of him propclimbing
[The Avengers] Eren Walker: yeah i got one of him prop flying so he saw the drugs
[The Avengers] Eren Walker: in demo

is this true mr tyla?

It is not 2.5 as your organisation killed Harry's best friend and he witnessed it and I asked an admin to check if it was okay to do.

Yes and what did the admin say and who is the admin? you should of told him backstory why it happened like "Crowbaring my car"? doesnt work like this,as i already said,i can get an org member to crowbar a car unarmed just like what tyla did *3.4 unarmed*u waitedfor him to die and go ahead molotov the guy house,NO

You weren't run over intentionally, that was an accident as you ran out into the car park without looking causing you to get absolutely smonkered, we called an ambulance for you.
Doubt it was an accident

also looks like one of your friends just been banned for being a minge like you two
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1 Who is the admin?
2 and why were you sitting on a chair then?
3. why our base?

Also this is not the first time my org memebers told me you were prop surfing up to our base to screenshot drugs?

[The Avengers - De Baron El Bingo] Jack Bingo: did anyone get more evidence?
[The Avengers - De Baron El Bingo] Jack Bingo: of him propclimbing
[The Avengers] Eren Walker: yeah i got one of him prop flying so he saw the drugs
[The Avengers] Eren Walker: in demo

is this true mr tyla?

Yes and what did the admin say?

Doubt it was an accident

also looks like one of your friends just been banned for being a minge like you two
I can't reveal that as you might try to abuse the bug.
I can't reveal that as you might try to abuse the bug.
Theres no such bug,u were just complete fucking around with props literally no intention to RP,still didnt anwser my first question "Who is the staff member"? and the third one "why on our base"?
I am afraid this is NOT the case. Tyla attempted to steal your car which resulted in him being shot. I witnessed this as I was parked in his vehicle in the taxi place so I told his relative that the people inside your base shot him. This culminated into us firebombing your base to get our revenge due to your disgraceful actions.

This is not how it works lad,you dont tell ur friend "go crowbar the car" wait for him to die,wait for him to spawn tell him what happened and molotov our house its 3.4 + 2.5 how is it 3.4? he was well aware im armed,yet decided to crowbar with no weapon,same as raiding a propety with no gun
I was the administrator who physgunned Tyla away to see if a bug was fixed or not, the bug was obviously not fixed and Tyla was removed from the seating after I had put a reminder to tell Fredy about the bug, seems like it is not a priority to fix the bug as it's not that serious, You made a report about this and I sorted him away from your base, it wasn't intentional to ruin your day with someone being in your base because of us seeing if a bug is still working or not.

Like, really... I'm so sorry if we ruined your day that way.

The reason why he was at "your base" was because Tom was messing about with the couch that he was sitting in before hand, I saw Tom doing so and told him to stop, I then told him to leave the couch to see if the bug was working or not.

So for the part with the couch; Tyla did absolutely nothing wrong.
This is not how it works lad,you dont tell ur friend "go crowbar the car" wait for him to die,wait for him to spawn tell him what happened and molotov our house its 3.4 + 2.5 how is it 3.4? he was well aware im armed,yet decided to crowbar with no weapon,same as raiding a propety with no gun
Actually our intention was to steal the car while you were in the process of going up the stairs so you wouldn't see him lockpicking the car however you heard the crowbar. You could have easily avoided a revenge plan by simply not shooting him and instead calling the police.
Actually our intention was to steal the car while you were in the process of going up the stairs so you wouldn't see him lockpicking the car however you heard the crowbar. You could have easily avoided a revenge plan by simply not shooting him and instead calling the police.

No gun? 3.4 same as raiding an house without a weapon doesnt work like that lad. also no i didnt care about hearing the crowbar i knew you guys will target me + my car so i just waited on the staircase after seeing u at gas station
No gun? 3.4 same as raiding an house without a weapon doesnt work like that lad. also no i didnt care about hearing the crowbar i knew you guys will target me + my car so i just waited on the staircase after seeing u at gas station
who the fuck carries a gun to steal a car? the whole idea is that
a) you probably wont get shot by 15 people with assault rifles - because it's a car
b) once the car is stolen you can get away quickly - because it's a car
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