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Your Steam/In-game Name:Moon/Jack Bingo
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Tyla jai/Tyla Jai
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:56687120
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4/2.5 could also be metagaming "finded a silly reason to shoot me in the head because OOC matters"

He saw that im gonna molotov his shop in OOC so they started to argue that i cant do it "ban threats" etc and saw that doesnt effect me in anyway, so what the user proceed to do is shoot me in the head without giving me any time to comply to his orders.when all i did is playing with a katana in the air you can also see me backing up to not hit the guy and not a threat to anyone so basically lets see a guy playing with a katana mid buisness area and shoot him in the head for no reason very realistic,also user decided to tell me to "DROP IT DROP IT" in middle of bazaar with a gun out which could of lead to his own death

Evidence (Demo Required):

Look 0:05 0:20 they didn't do anything when i started to swing it around near dylan,then they started OOC shit saw it doesnt work out,so decided to kill me :)

[LOOC] Moon: time for a molotov
[LOOC] Moon: i didnt die
[LOOC] Moon: rip shop

[OOC] hazza 5.6: cus you had a massive sword out
^Tries to backup tyla cause he knows that him killing me wasnt justified at all.

Nice excuse but no. its known tyla has been minging around for couple weeks now,has been banned recently by mrlewis for minging and also said "he doesnt care if he gets banned" so basically that explains it all.
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Hi there

You were gunpointed for swinging a samurai sword at one of the applicants to my organisation and shot for failing to comply within the time I gave you.




Kind regards

Hi there

You were gunpointed for swinging a samurai sword at one of the applicants to my organisation and shot for failing to comply within the time I

Nil isnt from your org no point to lie about it
second you werent police and you didnt give me time to react and shot me in the head also giving IRL stuff ok so maybe post the link here? Instead of a screenshot title? It could of been 1million reasons why he was shot like failure to co operate/trying to attack people with the katana which wasnt even close to what i did. Shit excuse from you once again
Hello guys, I'm just gonna enter this bazaar area any where in the world get my Katana out and start swinging it out like a kid with upside-downsyndrome, it's totally not gonna get me arrested or killed!!! haha!!!!

What the fuck do you think is gonna happen?

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