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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: D3luX / Chris Harper

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: jimmythehamster or D3V..
His/Her SteamID: Dont know.

Why Should This Player Be Punished?:
I made this AR, as it was requested before i could do my Refund Request.
I was told that one of these guys assumed to be in charge of an false raid against me.
So i believe one of them broke rule 4.1.
Basically what happened i was crafting and then i heard people from enemy org outside. They bombed the door and i ran directly towards them with a silenced beretta. After killing them i took one of the guys AK's and was bleeding. I just made it into the room i had drugs and dropped the customized AK. I locked the door, and then i bled out.
When i returned my appartment it had been raided by the SWAT. I dont see they had no reason to enter my last room with a locked door, as everything was under control, and people were dead.
I even had an friend in my appartment who clearly stated she was my friend and all the raiders were dead. The whitness was @Cj

I made a report about it and after long wait time, we never found out who did the raid. @Imperial Watch tried to deal with the situation and find a solution on which person did it. But we never solved it.

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If you can find out who the officers were then the AR will be accepted, however until then not much can be done. I suggest you get your friends demo of the situation so we can help find out who they were.​
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If you can find out who the officers were then the AR will be accepted, however until then not much can be done. I suggest you get your friends demo of the situation so we can help find out who they were.​
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