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Reaction score
New York, United States of America
Your Steam/In-game Name: DB/Max Walker

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: idk lots of ppl was there

His/Her SteamID: idk lots of ppl was there

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
So Firstly we was in a bank raid and when it finished and nearley got 3 mills from it when i got out bank to get in my car and escape i got shot from random ppl wich made me lose the 52k wich my friends won (i asked them) and an scar Only bc of that rdm and he wasnt even stealing my car so no reason to shoot me. thanks for reading.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: N/A
i literally never meant to ruin your bank robbery nor was aware of it, you guys were basing at regals so i thought you guys parked your cars at bank like ditched them there so you wont bring attention to your base at regals as then i saw one of you open the door gun pointing us it all went to massacre

I would like to claim a few things we never stole any other car than the p1 i don't remember who owns it but it wasn't you as you're my friend and i wouldn't steal your car i saw it there and second i never shot at you guys i was literally getting shot as i was stealing the car and my friends protected me from being shot.

and again we never meant to ruin the bank robbery we actually laughed about it how you guys were robbing the bank and we wasn't aware of it when you all just stepped out of there trying to dip from the bank.

i promise you i wasn't aware that you guys were robbing the bank i'll refund you 50k as soon as i have it i have 10k right now i'll plan on growing tomorrow and i'll refund you
@muradqaqish if that's okay for you I will close this AR without any punishments being given out as you said here:

Closed, dm me if you wish for this to be re-opened.
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